HAH!!! Same here… probably thousands of hours in the C-64 AND also the Amiga Gunship… I recall in possibly both that the manual mentioned exhaust heat raising your vulnerability to IR missiles, meaning watch the load on the engines.
While I spent decades in visual communications for US DoD, I’d often considered if I was eligible to work for Microprose, without actual coding experience… would 3D Studio/Lightwave and Adobe suite experience matter? I’d lived almost within walking distance of their offices just south of Baltimore for a decade.
I was in search of a MIDI controller keyboard via Craigslist… found one, seller delivered to me. In conversation he’d said that he worked at Microprose when Falcon 4.0 was released. Small world! If they’d hung in there, I wonder how far their Apache sim would have gone.
Thanks for the nostalgia :slight_smile:


Welcome @salsantana!



And Cairo looking good in daytime too, at least from the thumbnail…


Yes…Looks like Sinai Map!!


:eyes: :eyes:
Roh Roh!!!

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Bet a fleet of Apaches some holier-than-thou type sent him a message saying “you’re giving out classified info!!” without really knowing that it was.

Reminds me of that F-15 pilot who was giving the cockpit walkthru in that one YT video and just skipped over the radar MFD completely saying it was classified. Yeah, there are a few specific things that are, but it’s just a cop out to say “can’t talk about it, all classified!”

Especially former military. They’ve been separated for who knows how long, obviously the Pentagon doesn’t go around sending all former service members lists of things that have been declassified. So maybe it was when they were in, now it’s not, but they aren’t aware.

They go all CYA and don’t want to talk about it because they’re not sure, ok fine. To go jumping on someone else because last time you knew it was, or thought maybe it was, is another thing entirely.


@JediMaster I reckon you have nailed it… Some DOD jobsworth has sent him a message full of words such as, “it has come to our attention”, “perhaps”, “maybe”, “possibly”, etc and without any indication of what they ‘specifically’ object to and have asked Casmo to review it and make a determination.

I don’t like to speculate, but I think it has more to do with TTP’s than the capabilities of the Apache?

It will be interesting to see what videos get reposted, but that in itself is problematic because it highlights where the concerns/sensitivities lay.

Edit: It goes beyond CYA. They word it in such a way that it basically reverses the burden of proof and if you ever challenge it (especially in court), they can either say “We never asked for / told them to do that”. Or if they take you to court, can use it against you!


It’s not as simple as classified or unclassified. Everything, at a minimum, is likely subject to FOUO and/or Export Controlled caveats. Thus, if he’s publishing tutorial videos on TTPs, even if unclassified in nature, he could still find himself subject to some unwanted attention.

It’s why (I assume) Mover has stayed away from doing any content related to the F-18/F-16 in DCS. It’s just better to stay away from what you know to prevent any lines from being crossed.


I immediately thought the same thing. I saw it happen with Lex when he did CASE I tutorials, and again with another Legacy Hornet guy who put up uncut GoPro footage (which was obviously already approved by the proper channels) of deck ops from the cockpit.

The point about TTPs is interesting though. I imagine a lot of those TTPs are so ingrained into former pilots that when they fly a sim, they might be subconciously executing those TTPs. Explicitly teaching them is one thing, but what happens when they’re unintentionally implementing them during a live stream or something?

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I think it’s a Bigger Problem then We All Realize.With a War going on in Ukraine…with different weapons systems from different countries being used,

China Actively Recruiting Western Pilots to teach tactics and Aircraft Carrier Landing[A USA Marine Harrier Pilot was recently arrested for this] I think all Armed Forces are on a Higher State of Security when it comes to Classified/UnClassified Documents and info that might end up in a enemies hands
I think Eagle Dynamics has fallen Victim to this Themselves…If I remember correctly? An employee was Arrested for buying Classified Documents[I think it was a F-16 Manual?] in the USA…I believe ED was still a Russian Registered Company at the time.
Since that incident ED has changed it’s forum rules on sharing Documents.


Thing is, with those clearances and export controls (and I might be a tad pessimistic about some of the other flight sim community sites), it only takes one disgruntled person to raise the question with the right people and they have no choice but investigate. Call it a DDOS on the community from a sensitive information angle.


The character you mention was actually looking for and asking about F-35 documents.

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Maybe he was asking for them but I also remember it that way that he was arrested for trying to export Viper documents (that would have been legal to obtain for US citizens if not for the purpose of export).

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This is correct. I remember the story. It was a technical manual for the F16


Maybe I was wrong then. I was sure it was for F-35 documents, but my memory is fallible.

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There is some controversy about whether he got baited by homeland security to buy F-35 and F-22 manuals, or if he asked to buy them, but he was convicted for buying and trying to move an F-16 manual out of the US.

I must admit that I could’ve done the same thing, without thinking about it.