What always gets me is the dichotomy between friendly and enemy AI. The enemy AI usually seems relatively competent and the friendly downright brain damaged. Not just DCS, it’s across the board for decades.

I never could figure out why that was, you’d think AI routines would be the same, just one seeing you as an enemy and the other as a friendly, but it seems that is never the case.

Oh, except for the fact that my wingmen are excellent at taking out the enemy on my 12, whose 6 I’m on, while failing 100% to tackle the one on MY six… again in every sim…

“Thanks for taking my kill and letting his wingman kill me…”


A nuke that reads poetry…now I’ve seen everything.:sunglasses:


Interesting video on bombing. Especially interesting to note his findings with different versions of bombs and the effect temperature plays near the end of the vid.


This week we will probably release a new update to the AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) that includes the following:

ACT and TTG times. When an AIM-120 is still on the rail, it will display its expected time in seconds to active (ACT) below the tactical area of the radar display. Once launched, the ACT time will appear on the HUD, and once the ACT time has reached zero, it will change to Time To Go (TTG) until impact time. Zero TTG indicates missile time out / target impact.

Once the missile is active, you can dump the radar lock and allow the missile to continue the intercept itself.

Below the missile triangle fly-out symbol on the radar display, the time to active will first be displayed and then an “A” once the missile is active.

Pressing the Cage/Uncage button, you can toggle the AIM-120 to VISUAL mode when a target is locked (STT) on the radar. The TD symbols will still appear, but the NIRD circle and its indications will be removed when in VISUAL mode with a designated target.

To use VISUAL mode, simply place a target within 10 nm inside the dashed reticle on the HUD and let ‘er rip. The missile will come off the rail in HPRF (maddog) and will attempt to lock and guide on the first return it finds. Be careful with any friends in your forward quarter


Is there a plan to simulate MPRF and the transition from HPRF → MPRF during a typical (i.e. non maddog) engagement?

Very interesting. Does anybody on the project know if they are gong to introduce elevated duct height for extended radar ranges (based on temperature, pressure, humidity and radar frequency).

FYI, for the longest time I thought they were saying “Elevated Duck Height”…figured it had something to do with migratory water fowl and how high they were flying…it doesn’t.


Hornet Update - 2018-08-12

Lots of good progress on the EW systems this weekend!

Today we added EW HUD (display of RWR contacts on the the HUD), EW Offset (spread out tightly group RWR contacts in azimuth), new AI (airborne intercept) RWR sound, and fixed spurious RWR contacts. Work is ongoing on the RWR contact symbols and modifiers.

We hope to have these in an update soon.

After this, we’ll work on the S/A and AUTO programs, ASPJ, and an update to the EW page with DATA sub-level.



Will this include the critical threat lines mentioned in the 07-13-18 Update?


Been in the sim for weeks.

Thanks for the reply. I have not seen the critical threat line since that announcement. Talking with the seven or eight people I regularly fly with, none of them have seen it either. Looking through various community videos since that update, none of them seemed to have it.

Here’s all the SA-11s of a rainbow taking shots at me, sans line in sight. I’ve consulted the manual and the friendly neighborhood Rhino driver, and neither suggested I have to do anything configuration wise to get it to appear, but perhaps they are mistaken? I’m happy to provide a track if needed.


Never saw them too…

Never saw them either.

Sorry guys, my bad, its been fixed, but never managed to get merged with release. Look for it in an upcoming patch.


Cool beans :slight_smile:


Cool, thanks for letting us know. :slight_smile:

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Will S/A be able to data link with AI E-2C and E-3A?

I think you’re mixing up Semi-Automatic Dispense mode (S/A) with the Situational Awareness page (SA). Either way Link 16 is confirmed as planned, but won’t be around for a while. (Also Link-16 allows you to talk to many more things than just the AWACS, and would effect more displays than just SA).

I certainly was mixing them up (in writing in the Navy, I always abbreviated situational awareness as S/A)

My question was really more about the E-2C and E-3A AI. Right now, I ask for a picture or bogey dope and get an appropriate answer…works great in my Mig-21…when I get the call that the bogey within 25, km I turn on my radar…DCS GCI rocks!.

As you say, Link-16 does much more. As the N2 for a CSG my team in SUPPLOT added sanitized tracks to the Link…which I guess is my real question. How much will the virtual Link-16 add? Everything a normal CSG would add,? Or just tracks detected by organic sensors (i.e. what they see on radar).

Oh, I thought you were talking about the S/A-18, which is just as at home dropping bombs as it is moving mail and spare parts back and forth to the carrier.

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That’d be the elusive C/A-18C. The S/A-18C is busy hunting ships and subs, but only for a half our at a time.

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