DCS, Past, Present and Future?

It’s actually kinda cool, once you realize how things actually are in the real world instead of what we see in flight sims or popular portrayals, some realities of what happens in the real world make a whole hell of a lot more sense.

The revolution that guided weapons created in desert storm is one of those. Even though the amount of smart weapons dropped was still very small compared to the dumb bombs, the hit and effectiveness rate was massively massively higher. We are talking an almost exponential increase in effectiveness.

If you want numbers think going from something like 5% or less of your dumb bombs actually achieving effects to nearly 50% or greater of your smart bombs (lgb and man in the loop primarily back then) achieving effects.

That was the writing on the wall at least in the US Air Force for dumb weapons. We still train to drop them and their deliveries are usually way more involved in the pure piloting side and we find them fun (pop up attacks, low level sled passes, rippling all the bombs off on one pass to a target, ccip passes) because they are simple.

When the hornet comes out hopefully we can start to see the very different but equally fun things you can do with jdams that right now are very difficult to do in either the a-10 or the f-16 in BMS. For the a-10 this is because it just cannot go fast enough to really explore the space with things like jdam lofts. Both are also limited by the inability or difficulty in targeting multiple jdams to different targets before release.

Both those things should become available with the hornet and then imagine having an airbase strike, at whatever the mig base in Tbilisi is. You have 8 hornets and are tasked to put a gbu-38 into each of the 40 hangars on the base. There are SAMs present and a strong defensive AAA/shorad presence so one pass and low altitude with a minimum exposure to the threat and ideally not overflying it is your only real hope to hit the targets without losing everyone involved. You pretarget all your bombs individually to different hangars roll into a low level and release all your bombs as an eight ship from a pop up loft 6-7 miles from the target, immediately diving down to the dirt again and turning away to watch every single bomb go straight through the roof of each hangar.

I cannot do that right now in dcs. With a lot of inconvenience it is possible in BMS. Once the hornet, possibly the harrier and definitely the mudhen (whenever it finally shows up) are released this will suddenly become strike fighter nirvana :slight_smile:


I wouldn’t get my hopes up just yet about that. I asked several times whether the PB mode features of JDAM would become available, but there was no answer.

That’s a MiG 31… I know it’s easy to mistake them… just check if it has 2 seats.



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As gung ho as they are about fourth dimensional speed chess pieces like AIM-9X and JHMCS, it would make no sense not to do PB. It’d be like modelling the A-10 sans GAU-8 or a Tomcat without the Pheonix.

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To be fair I don’t actually know when the hornets ofp was upgraded to do that and if it falls into our lot or not. For example in 2003 back to Iraq strike eagles weren’t even carrying jdam most Of the time. It was mostly lgbs, good old -12s, -10s, and -24s, even the odd -15 now and then. If you ever see the smart weapons page on the strike eagle and how it works it becomes obvious it is a kludgy hack of a user interface that was made to work because we needed the feature, not because it was meant to be there.

No idea if the hornet is similiar or not, but either way with it or the harrier at least I will be able to do lgb lofts at things :smiley:

Small steps!


Concur about the no sense part, but i remain cautiously pessimistic. There could be contractual obligations.

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