DCS World Mesquite = DCS World KMUD..!

That is the St. Maarten approach over the fence…

What do you mean? That’s my standard route altitude! I was close to the operational ceiling in that shot!

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I’ve gone back to my all time favourite hobby "Today I am landing on’. Turns out vans are highly explosive when you land on them. Waddaya know?! I rate them 2/5 on the landable scale, I highly recommend you keep your rotarian objects away from them!


Nothing like having to run the dust protectors for the entirety of the mission! LOL…

Is this you?


Wonder if the airbag deployed. If not, I demand a full refund from ED…

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It kinda is, I mean nobody suspects a thing and BOOM, there I am right behind em. Is it a truck? noooo, it’s me in the huey, bamboozled again! Master of disguise!

Besides, if you fly above the tree’s, why not get an aircraft?!

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Actually it was two technically different faults, that ended up in the same outcome, that the gear must not be retracted before the fault was corrected.
The first was a extension malfunction that resulted in a emergency extension.
The other was a weight on wheel switch fault.
But yeah, we felt pretty unlucky that day…


Hey…If they didn’t want you to uses the whole runway…they wouldn’t paved the whole thing. :wink: