DCS world wishlist

I think that’s all relative. The forger is iconic as the soviet attempt at vtol. Even though they never met I wouldn’t mind having a play back to back with the av8b…

Today I finally completed mission 5 of the Task Force Challenger Campaign: Supersonic very low altitude attack, popped up, bombed the tarmac in one single and devastating run (with those 4 Mk 84’s), pointed the hornet down and back, full afterburner 50 ft high ran for my life. That was exciting. Those Migs were on my tail till the very end.

To top it off, a super crosswindy approach to the boat. When the finished campaign hard rock theme started it felt really badass. DCS can be mostly about practicing in this open sandbox of not enough variety/purpose, but when it’s fun, oh man, it’s FUN.

I am really happy with the variety of aircraft we have so far. The more the better? No question about it. But maybe we should start to focus more on gameplay improvements for now on. With the tomcat, the viper and the Mudhen we will have more than enough NATO planes to choose from (we could use more eastern planes for sure). But just by playing today version 254 with an insane performance update and finishing the campaign for the first time it hit me that maybe it is time for ED to focus a little more on the core experience. I get that WWII is strategic for them to get new players, and that new planes are what they can actually sell for money… But if they could focus more on improving the key core aspects already mentioned here, oh boy.





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awww :frowning: that’s just too bad.

Wow…that (the linked statement) wasn’t good from more than one perspective. I’m glad that he was essentially unscathed and went on to other things.

It does though bring up an interesting question. Reading between the lines, it suggests that the developer in question had been getting information on the aircraft in question from some folks who were very familiar with it. That’s fine when developing a Cessna, but, as was shown, can be problematic when researching a military aircraft.

My question: How much detail is really necessary? The FC3 Russian fighters are mostly the same from a weapons system standpoint and I doubt it is even near exact facsimiles to the authentic items…so…an FC3 Tu-22M? I’d go for that if it will keep our developer friends out of Lubyanka. :slightly_smiling_face:

(BTW, I once worked for a guy who later, ended up spending more than a couple months there.)


I absolutely loved playing DiD’s EF2000.

If only DCS could replicate that…

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I dont know, I read the complaints about the mission editor, AI and so on… make me want to buy some campaign even though I dont play single player just to see how bad it is and how the campaign developers wants just steal my money :wink:

Each coin has two sides I would say and it can be just difernet expectations.

Like the AIs which can see through clouds, has perfect aim and so on. Of course they can… they are robots from future, SkyNet ! And we need to defeat them.
I cant remember Sarah Connor complaining about the T1000 that it can reshape itself :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, I’d like to see more AI aircraft (and ships and tanks etc.) Yes I have problems with wingman AI…they have crashed more Viggens than I have, and that is quite an achievement. However, the basic AI seems “sufficient unto the day” as it were.

That said, I do carefully choose their commands, triggers and apply law scripting where necessary.

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An across the board update of the 3D models in most aircraft would be nice. Most of the ground vehicles are recent enough and passable, but we’re sorely lacking in ship diversity. With that, I’d also like to see some additional ground objects like tents and camo netting, as well as allowing aircraft to be placed anywhere on the map.

Question regarding the ai models in the sim. Do how complex are they compared to player flyable aircraft?
For instance the tu160 blackjack and tu22m backfires seen to my Untrained eye to be fairly well constructed from a distance. Obviously I can see the difference when I fly close to them or walk around on the ground around them but how do the actual flight physics compare? Could an ai blackjack pull a 7g turn the same as an su27? Are the speed and handling just capped at set limits for acceleration/weight top speed etc. Could you not just use the models in game to make something useful for players to fly with?

I for one couldn’t tell the difference between a full fidelity b52h and an approximation of one.
I understand that cockpits and systems etc would need to be created but could you not use them as a decent headstart?

I don’t know where you would even start with creating an aircraft for dcs so I’m just asking out of interest. You modders fascinate me.

Someone more knowledgeable than me can chime in, but I’m pretty sure the AI uses the same basic flight model for all aircraft with a few parameters changed to fit the type of aircraft. So in theory you could just tell the AI to treat the Tu-22 the same as a Su-27 and it’d do that.

Just like now, the AI can currently cheat and use HARM with the Bug. Grr…

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I assumed as much. Thank you for clearing that up.

You say cheat, I say great benefit to mission design. I can stop using the crap Hornet for everything that isn’t Harpoons and JDAMs

So this is essentially, what every aircraft in LOMAC was, what the A-4 is, and what until very recently the MiG-29 and C101 were. You can actually get fairly close with the tables for most parts of the flight envelope, but the system breaks down the closer you get to the edges. Stalls, interaction with the ground, small eccentricities all offer pronounced artificiality. You could argue that this could/would speed up development, but history has shown the time frame of updating an SFM to an EFM is on the span of years, not months.

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But it hovers under the launch rail! The AI guys get to use the force and I’m stuck using the farce!

Hey, at least it’s better than the weapon being implanted in the wing like the F-5 and Harrier a while back. Try getting safe separation out of that.

Sounds more like RATO packs. Anyone ever try that?

Harrier still has some problems with that, by the way.

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Woke up this morning and have one wish :slight_smile:

When DCS is in Windowed Mode / no Full Screen I would like to have these buttons available :
