For VFR I don’t use it, although will try again on the latest beta.
For IFR, either a paid aircraft FMS set-up, or if the airports are supported I use X-Life:
X-Life is good for more realistic traffic and arrival/departures, but it doesn’t do comms between centres etc, so still some ways to go.
Here’s a typical X-Life ATC log using it:
ATC LOG ———————————–
Pilot: HAMBURG Delivery, JAR123, Stand Apron 2, A320, with information C, QNH1013, request clearance
ATC: JAR123, HAMBURG Delivery, Cleared to DUSSELDORF as filed, Runway 33, BASU9G departure, Squawk 1169
Pilot: Cleared to DUSSELDORF, Runway 33, BASU9G departure, Squawk 1169, JAR123
Pilot: HAMBURG Ground, JAR123, Stand Apron 2, request start up, information C
ATC: JAR123, start up approved
Pilot: Start up approved, JAR123
Pilot: HAMBURG Ground, JAR123, Stand Apron 2, request taxi
ATC: JAR123, HAMBURG Ground, taxi to holding short runway 33, via Apron,L,S,Apron,R
Pilot: Taxi to holding short runway 33, via Apron,L,S,Apron,R, JAR123
Pilot: HAMBURG Tower, JAR123, approaching holding short runway 33
ATC: JAR123, HAMBURG Tower, hold short runway 33
Pilot: Holding short runway 33, JAR123
ATC: JAR123, HAMBURG Tower, line up and wait runway 33
Pilot: Lining up and wait runway 33, JAR123
ATC: JAR123, runway 33 cleared for take-off
Pilot: Cleared for take-off, Runway 33, JAR123
ATC: JAR123, contact HAMBURG Radar 124.6
Pilot: Contact HAMBURG Radar on 124.6, JAR123
Pilot: HAMBURG Radar, JAR123, BASU9G departure, passing 1500 feet, climbing to 25000 feet
ATC: JAR123, HAMBURG Radar, radar contact
Pilot: Ready for Descend, JAR123
ATC: JAR123, Descend to FL190
Pilot: Descending to FL190, JAR123
ATC: JAR123, contact DUSSELDORF Approach 123,625
Pilot: Contact DUSSELDORF Approach 123,625, JAR123
Pilot: DUSSELDORF Approach, JAR123, FL244, descending to FL190, information A on board
ATC: JAR123, Identified, expect XAMO2X arrival, ILS approach Runway 05L, descend FL60
Pilot: Descending FL60, expect XAMO2X arrival, ILS approach Runway 05L, JAR123
ATC: JAR123, Descend 3000 feet, QNH 1013, transition level FL50
Pilot: Descending 3000 feet, QNH 1013, transition level FL50, JAR123
ATC: JAR123, cleared for ILS approach Runway 05L, report established
Pilot: Cleared for ILS approach Runway 05L, will report established, JAR123
Pilot: Established ILS Runway 05L, JAR123
ATC: JAR123, continue approach
Pilot: Continue approach, JAR123
ATC: JAR123, contact Tower 123.45
Pilot: 123.45, JAR123
Pilot: DUSSELDORF Tower, JAR123 with you, ILS approach runway 05L
ATC: JAR123, continue approach
Pilot: Continue approach, JAR123
ATC: JAR123, Cleared to land Runway 05L, wind 0 degrees 0 knots
Pilot: Cleared to land Runway 05L, JAR123
ATC: JAR123, take first, when vacated contact Ground 118.35
Pilot: Take first, Wilco 118.35, JAR123
Pilot: DUSSELDORF Ground, JAR123, runway vacated
ATC: JAR123, Taxi to stand B09 via 05L/23R,K1,L1,L2,M,P4,T
Pilot: Stand B09 via 05L/23R,K1,L1,L2,M,P4,T, JAR123
ATC LOG END —————————-
You use the plug-in’s own ATC like this and it uses speech synthesis to talk back: