The train simulator people that bought the consumer license for the FSX code and put it on Steam, are making a couple of new flight sim titles to launch in 2016. DX11, 64-bit modern updates apparently. The two are (with the latter releasing first):
‘Dovetail Games Flight Sim’ - the updated FSX I guess, with the big question being do that make it compatible with the existing FSX packages (they might not be able to do that for licensing reasons, dunno).
Flight School - here’s how they describe that:
Flight School has been developed to give anyone who wants to give flight simming a try the chance to do so. While established simmers will likely already know what we are aiming to teach, it is a chance to get an early preview of some of the new technologies we have implemented which will be carried over to DFS. Of course if you fancy brushing up on your skills or putting them to the test, then Flight School has piloting tests and missions which will also do just that.
A screenshot from Flight School: