Dovetail's Flight Sim World

Eeh listened to the first 15 minutes and they didn’t say much unfortunately.

Wow. I honestly did not see this coming.

I’ve got a vanilla install of FSX-SE and for the most part, I like it. It does everything I’d want it to do. Are there good reasons to move to XP11 or P3D yet? I had a license for v2 of P3D years ago, but it never did run as well as FSX on my rig, so I pretty much abandoned it. Has anything changed much? Does XP11 have AI traffic and ATC interaction that is believable, because I’d like a game that I know is still being supported by a developer.

Your questions deserve a better answer than I can type on my iPhone, so when I get home Monday I’ll give you some of my thought.

So take it for what it’s worth - but FSW will be 80% ($7.99) off until May 24, after that it will be unavailable for purchase. They have also made ALL of the mission packs FREE. So their suggestion is to add them to your Steam library before they go away.

Just be aware you are buying a dead end game…although it models a lot of stuff, that is all you will be getting.

I just stumbled across some WIP shots of PBR custom wet runways in FSW, it looks amazing

I wonder if it will be accessible to modders ?

If only the source was open…

I haven’t tried it, but there are plenty of posts around detailing how to install FSX and P3D aircraft.