I’ll take any jet made between 1950 and 1990. SLUF life baby! This thing was said to be uncanny in it’s CCIP accuracy. It also had good long legs and could carry quite the respectable load. Also walleye!
Any other day I’d have agreed but after seeing the 3D model and reading about the team…
Wow, I’m in! This plane is truly iconic.
I know, I know… But… You know… The SLUF does have some appealing traits…
Bring on the SLUF. GOOD NEWS!
The air intake makes me so happy
Always loved the photos and videos of that thing sitting on the catapult sucking up steam from the track…looked like it was ready to goooooo!
Wow…I didn’t realize the Hellenic Air Force flew them until 2015…!!
Look at all the bombs on this thing:
Punching above it’s weight indeed!
It also has it’s pylons aligned in the direction of flight, not toed out like they’re designed by a computer and three drunk engineers.
Whaaat! Them Side mouted winders are pretty sexy too. I had not noticed them before.
Even I will probably get this, definitely if it’s released before the full version of the A-4E. I’m a sucker for especially Navy and European planes between 1950 & 1990.
I guess I like my jet fighters with a hard probe.
And keep in mind, the A-7 was designated light attack.
They have to toe them out when the plane flies wrong or the munitions do that nasty “come back and hit the plane dropping them” thing. Don’t get a lot of choice between angling pylons and completely redesigning the plane from scratch…
I loved the mod we had access to, I loaded it to the gunnels with dumb bombs and went hunting VC
The A-7 will be something that may pull me away from the Hornet.
Somewhere between a Century Series aircraft and modern. 2022 will be fun.
I am a huge fan of the Corsair, this is my most anticipated aircraft of the modules that are confirmed to be in development. The A-7E has some very interesting capabilities in a classic package. Hands-on 1970s retro high-tech.
Did you know that the A-7E had a Terrain Following Radar? It isn’t autopilot capable though, so if you want to hug the ground at 200 ft in IFR conditions you have to fly the indications by hand. While this is less capable than the automatic terrain following of the Tornado or the F-111, I think this actually translates better to a game. Sure, the Auto-TFR of Tornado was an awesome capability and it must have been exciting and terrifying at the same time to trust your life into its hands. But would you get the same feeling on your PC? You turn the thing on and then get up to the kitchen to have a drink. Flying the TFR by hand in the A-7 (or the A-6 for that matter) surely will be a lot more fun.
The A-7E also probably had the first FLIR image projected into its HUD for night flying. A first generation, 1970s era FLIR that is. That might look rather interesting.
We will also be able to make good use of the ground mapping radar for once. You can’t just punch in the coordinates into the computer and hit any pre-planned target like in a GPS equipped jet. By the time the Corsair gets there, its INS will have drifted by a mile or two. You will need to use your ground mapping radar to designate it, or make an offset designation from a pre-planned, radar-significant terrain feature.
By the way, you can tell pictures are from Desert Storm when the aircraft only have two instead of three hardpoints per wing. Because the A-7E had very good range, they rarely carried drop tanks (in contrast to certain other aircraft…). Instead, one hardpoint per wing (asymmetric 2 & 4 or 3 & 5) was removed to decrease drag.
Looking forward to this very much as well. Really hoping we get an A-6 from Heatblur as well so together with this and the F-14 we’ll have a extremely decent 70s/80s/early 90s CAW. ED redoing the S-3 model will add nicely to this.
Did Hornets ever co-exist with A-7s (Marines maybe?) on a carrier deck seeing as it was the Corsair replacement?
I think the A-7 is the only Navy jet where I prefer the low-viz gray to the high gloss - blasphemy I know…
Not as far as I know. The Corsair was completely replaced by Hornets.
The Corsair (A-7B) did share deck with the F-8 Crusader on USS Oriskany in the mid 70s, which I think was an pretty cool combination
that picture is amazing