In Nov 1963 President Kennedy (JFK) was assassinated. In Jul 1999, his son, JFK Jr, was piloting a small aircraft which crashed into the sea during a night flight. Also on board were his wife & her sister. All 3 perished. Come see the circumstances of the crash &, if you are a pilot, hopefully reinforce your own flying safely skills.
I get it’s the channel logo, but still the Spit in the initial image is misleading. You can totally understand someone thinking he was flying one, like he was a warbird pilot. I feel putting the actual plane involved, or one close to it, would have been a better choice.
Other than that, very interesting video.
Night VFR over water is essentially IMC. A wing leveler would have saved their lives. One saved mine a few times during continued vfr into Instrument Flight Conditions.
Basic instrument skills should be sufficient to keep the airplane straight and level. I remember one incident that happened not long after I got my PPL. I climbed into what I thought was just a thin haze layer, but it was a lot thicker than I had perceived. I knew there was rising terrain ahead, so I turned 180° and descended back to an altitude that I knew would be back in VMC. No big deal . I guess that is a bit different than flying over the ocean at night visually, but it’s still basic stuff.
Unless you’re a USMC F-35B CO flying in slightly degraded VFR, though, then just punch right out of that puppy!