Forza Motorsport (2023)

Sounds like for realism, though, GT 7 wins.
What’s more common today? On the phone while driving, or reading texts while driving? :wink:

Does this Forza have MP where you can race with AI and people? I race with a small group and we like AI to fill out the field. That’s made the Assetto Corsas a bust as a race with 4 or fewer cars is dull. We also don’t want to have randos in the race either leaving us in the dust or knocking us into the dust!

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I think i read it dosent have AI in MP.

I never got into Forza because, for some reason, I always saw it as a GT wannabe. I tried one of the demos and it was ok but still didn’t grab my attention.

This new release looks promising but I’m not sure what I’ll be getting into if I jump in. I’m not a serious racer but I also don’t want something where I can play crash derby and still win a race.

Oh, I also want a racer with some level of free roam for those days I just want to rip around. I was big on Test Drive Unlimited 2 and the early NFS games but at some point, I lost interest because of how the series progressed. Anyway, I’ll be keeping an eye on this one.

:cry: Not surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised.

So out of the box, the FFB, at least for Moza bases, is a disaster. I was quickly losing interest the more I drove and felt disconnected with the road. It took a while, but I got something dialed in that resembled previous racing sims.

Once my FFB was set, I began to settle in and explore the Forza world. It’s early access. It’s full of oddities, bugs, and graphical anomalies like any early access title these days. I just looked past that (for now) and enjoyed what was available at launch… hundreds of cars, upgrades and a nifty multiplayer matchmaking service with a variety of racing types… Had a handful of fun scraps in the lower tier “rookie” Honda spec cars. A night race at Road America showcased the amazing dirt and smoke effects as cars went off track.

FM is certainly not a true sim nor has it ever claimed to be. But it’s fun in its own regard. Personally, it will be something I can casually race while I’m on the road with a controller.

Now that FM is out, let the GT7 /FM comparisons begin. @weaponz248 looking forward to your thoughts.

The issue w/ Forza on PC is users expect higher everything, outside of graphics and RT, everything else is the same.

Also, from what I saw, in many of the reviewers videos that were showing their settings and complaining about blurry textures and pixelated reflections.

They had everything on Ultra sure, but that don’t mean diddly when the master control is set to Dynamic, just like with FM7, it will adjust the graphics if you drop below your FPS target etc etc.

I had to tweak FM7 and got it fluid on my PC w/ everything maxxed, even tried VorpX and VR w/ it since I had no intention of playing FM7 Online due to coming in at the end of it’s like

Yes, I’m really that guy that rode FM4 thru FM5 (which I owned and it was just too cut down due to new console generation), and FM6 I went with FM6: Apex on the PC.

Just looking at the default wheel settings, I can guarantee the steering feels like doody on any higher end wheel.

Well, whatever… opinions are like… well you know. lol

I’ve been playing it, about 12 hours in so far tried all aspects, and I’ve been playing the FM series since the 1st one. Even ran the SimHQ Console group races with 3, 4 ,and 5.

And I’m loving this version. It’s not perfect, new release bugs and crashes. I play with a gamepad now, and so does 79% of all console racers. When I was with SimHQ I used the M$ Wheel and Pedal set up, then moved to the first Fanatacs, but once that broke, I was done with wheels.

SP career is a little bit of a drag out. Practice 3 laps, race for 6 to 8 laps. Wish we could skip practice, but it does give you car points. Or play your way with any track any car. It’s fun, set up whatever you want, practice, time trials, races via laps or time, multiclass, mult weather day/night. Pit stops that actually mean something IF you have the difficulty high enough, I’m on sim settings. Tires matter, fuel matters. When qualify, drop fuel level, get soft tires for best times.

MP, I hate MP unless with friends but I played MP last night for 5 races and was awesome. Practice, qualify, then race. Still got those typical first corner killers but only once last night. Tires matter, fuel matters.

Rivals are nice, compare against friends.

Tons of cars, too many to be honest.

Graphics on an Xbox Series X are great but not high-End PC great.
Sounds are the best I’ve heard for my V8 favorites.
Gameplay is spot on but way loose by default with gamepad. If you use a gamepad. Go to advance gamepad settings and change to this, in order…
5,95,0,98,2,98,0,100.0,100,60, 100. works great for me. or don’t. lol

This is NOT AC sim like, which I also play and love on console with a gamepad, but a big step up from an arcade racer. HINT: The higher difficulty you go, the less aids, the more sim it is.

Like I said… I’m loving it… now also waiting for WRC, loved Dirt Racing 1 and 2, hope it’s as good.

Just for fun… still have every screen ever taken since they were abled…


I do not yet have access (just standard version), but I’ve read that it is possible to skip practice by first actually starting the practice session, then going to the “Exit” menu, and a “Skip Practice” button is there.

Not sure if there is more involved, I can’t test it (yet).

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Gee I wonder where you got the SimHQ Camo Car… lol…

I dont have time to give to Forza like I want to, so It sits installed for now,
Seeing as I was one of the top ranked Drivers from FM1 → FM4 (Barely played 5 as it was super stripped down), FM6 didn’t have full scoreboards, FM6 I also played very little,
FM7 I never bought until it was on sale, by then I had decided to not play online due to FM’23 coming.

Hey Look it’s still online…


Cool, oh ya… I forgot you were the one who made most of my cars for me. Thx. lol

FM5 on XBO + the fact that they wanted everyone that shelled out $500+ for Fanatec gear on FM4 to buy new wheels, did not bode well with me,

FM6: Apex was more of a tech demo, or mini game like Forza Horizon Fast and Furious was.

the wheel support was only partially integrated, FM7 wheel support was there, but the physics were just wonky so a lot of us stayed with iRacing and other sims w/ proper wheel support.

In order for me to play FM’23, I’d have to have more free time to invest in wheel setup tweaking, as the default settings are 100% garbage for any wheels other than the $30 MadCatz cheapo 256x ResValue, 3 Axis Setup (basically a glorified controller shaped like a wheel, lol).

I think I’ll wait to the new year, and see how far they expand it, and if T10 keeps their word on the once a month big update (ie new Track every month, or new mode, etc).

I was thinking about getting Forza Motorsport, but there appears to be a lot of problems with it, especially PC.

I’m glad you guys that have it are having fun. I guess I’ll play some of my other racing games until this improves a bit.

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I’ve seen a load of bugs people have been posting.

Happily, my XBox gameplay is so far great. I played about 2 hours of single player. Really nice experience, other than my terrible driving. :dizzy_face:

To provide some negative points about my experience with Forza Motorsport… let me try…

  • During my play, the AI tended to be quite satisfied with contact. Or impact. Perhaps they do not see a down-side to running into things? Rarely was an issue, as I frequently was passing and being passed cleanly, but it sometimes happened.

  • I created a custom free play event, with no AI. Just to drive a car around. And I left the start grid, traveled 15 feet forward, crossed the line, and won. But on this one, I’m not sure I set the event up correctly. Will have to pay more attention while creating the next Free Play event.

  • While looking at a car in the showroom, I need to turn on my XBox controller to move around and view the car. I don’t think it’s possible otherwise, using the wheel. Happily, I can turn the controller off when I’m done, and save the battery.


Two hours in and it is pretty thrilling so far. Thanks @Magnum50 for the controller settings!


I’m hearing a lot of issues with PC, a few with Xbox… I’m loving it besides the occasional crash to dashboard.

The AI are idiots but turning up the AI behavior seems to make it raceable, they still will hit you but at a higher level, above 4, they race the line and make less mistakes so you can judge when to pass.

I’ve always hated the MP in FM series except of course with my small group of SimHQ drivers on a private server/race.

BUT I’m loving the new MP format for this version and find myself doing more MP than SP. Pick a series you want in will tell you what time the next race is, usually 20 to 30 mins away, join into a server practice your laps, do your 3-lap qualification during the practice laps. Contact is on during practice and race, but just ghost in qualification. Then when the time is right race.

If you make it through that first corner or two you’re in for a good race MOST of the time, usually about 7 laps so tire wear and fuel may or may not come into play. You have to decide based on lap number what tires, how much fuel, and when to pit. Remember to always lower the fuel needed for faster times especially before qualifying and putting on soft tires to qualify. It works.

I’ve also hosted and participated in 20 lap races, can go up to 100 I think, at the 24 hours of Le Mans… great racing, and fuel, tires and random weather works.


So far so good here for me. No crashes yet. A couple of bugs but only cosmetic level.

I’ve been playing with AI on level 3, and trying to learn. At this setting, they have very poor racing skill, other than being able to lap fast when alone. In traffic, there is lots of braking where they shouldn’t. Frequent optimistic dives to the inside on pass attempts (even when the speed and corner entry angle guarantee their running off wide on the other side of the turn). And if they get the front bumper up against another car (maybe the car ahead is sideways, or going that way)… the AI tend to just try to gas through. Pushing the other car sideways at a crawl and backing up traffic.

I’ll up the AI level to 4 and see how it goes. But so far, the AI have been giving an overall good race experience in the 3 to 6 lap race range.

But the feel and fun of actually racing, really good for me. Visuals are better than I expected, and the UI and menus are good so far.


This is an understatement. I have a love hate relationship with them.

My bumper gets plenty of use. I do try to set up my passing but they seem to jump over towards me everytime i pass.

Still have that OP top 3 cars though.

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Oh, so, the game is set in Florida then?


Apart from a few clunky menu interface glitches, the only noticeable graphics anomaly I am experiencing from time to time is a glass/black surface. It kills my depth perception and I’ve got to restart the race especially if the entire track is affected. I’ve had happen a few times while racing online. Nvidia 4090 (537.42 drivers) 5120X1440 resolution. Max settings

Other than that, the rain effects are :fire: .

I’ve been having a blast starting last (no qualifying) and seeing how many spots I can move up. Below, I started 22nd and was already 7th-8th halfway into the first lap through wrecks and people going off track.


Funny, I get that in my Mirrors on FM7 A LOT. Especially in the rain and at night.

I wonder If I can Change the FoV in FM’23 and Push it across 3 screens some how, since Turn10 is Anti-VR.