Good move by EA since BF2042 players seem to be dropping like flies. I couldn’t even get a game going last night on any mode … apparently not enough players to fill a server LOL! (maybe there was something wrong with the servers) Then again, I’ve been doing PC players only … no cross platform.
There’s a perfectly good BF2042 discussion going on here BTW …
As per your stuttering on a 3080ti, I think you might be borking around with your Nvidia settings too much. Maybe restore defaults for BF2042. I’m still running 4K Ultra settings with a constant 60 fps (vsync on) … game looks great and view distances are incredible.
As per your crashes, I’ve found out the hard way that the game does not like any sort of video card overclocking and even Power Management Mode set to Prefer Maximum Performance! Set it to Normal and turn off any overclocking. The game doesn’t need it if you have a decent card. I haven’t had a crash in a week.
Ya, I’m a bit of a fanboy but I’ve actually seen some guys chat box that BF2042 is the best Battlefield in the series … probably the same guys at level 87 LOL! Kinda agreed with them though … what am I sitting at, like level 20 or something. Don’t be bashing a game because you suck at it.