Gaming Get Together (29/11/2024)

Anyone willing to play some MultiPlayer sorta thing either 2024-11-29T19:00:00Z or the next day?


What would be your suggestions to play?


Iā€™m honestly open to anything- I was titillated by having all of DCS installed so maybe some Co-Op. Even Combined Arms! :smiley:
More seriously, only thing I am good now (thanks to work) is the Huey- so I am limited. Maybe though itā€™s the right occasion to a co-op familiarization flight to learn/relearn another bird.

Otherwise ARMA 3 (Antistasi mod is great!), War Thunder (sim mode mostly, less frantic/more tactical), BMS (just wondering if anyone still flies with it here)ā€¦

Honestly anythingā€¦ Elite Dangerous? Multi ship convoys are coolā€¦ Multi crew tooā€¦

Strategy games? Sure!

Open to suggestions obviously.

EDIT: some games I crave to play MP simply donā€™t have it yet, like GHPC or Sea Powerā€¦


Huey Multicrew is fun! I might be there tomorrow, starting around 2024-11-29T18:00:00Z


Old School Reaction GIF

Speaking of

I have no idea which servers are still up and running for DCSā€¦ I accept links.


Honestly no idea, I fly helicopters exclusively on my squadrons private servers.

Iā€™ll be on the Mudspike discord and have a look whatā€™s out there. I can try to host a mission but that might not work, definitely would be fun though. I have a mission on Syria that spawns CSAR tasks in the area around Rayak extending West towards Beirut. If I manage to host we could try that


Billy Crystal Cowboy GIF

I donā€™t think that Iā€™ll be done downloading the update by then. :joy:

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I should be able to make it.

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If you have the OH-58, it takes about 5 minutes to learn how to get going with guns and dumb rockets. If you have fly the Huey the Kiowa with the SCAS is a piece of cake.


Ah! I forgot about that! Going to try it out.

For guns and dumb rockets all you really need bound are the usual control axes, and the following:

Pilot Cyclic
-Weapon Select Switch - lets you pick if youā€™re shooting the gun or the rockets among other things (left for guns, right for rockets)
-Force Trim Interrupt - works just like the force trim in the Huey
-Display Select - Not required, but handy to be able to choose whatā€™s on the MDF (left if the ā€œhudā€ view, down is the route view, down while in route will add the map (assuming DCS has one for that area)).
-Fire weapon - self explanatory, detent 2 actually fires the weapon

Center Console - both of these are easy enough to use the mouse on if youā€™re not in VR
Master Arm
Gun Arm - Flip all the way up to recock initially to load the gun, then you can leave it in Armed.

If youā€™re not doing cold and dark starts, thatā€™s all you need to get going in the Kiowa and blow stuff up. One point of note is the weapons system always assumes you have 500 rds in the gun even if you select less, and have 10lb rocket warheads in all 7 tubes. You can change these in the weapons setup MFD screen, or you can just go blow stuff up.

Casmoā€™s got some great tutorial videos if you want to learn more (Hellfires have some peculiarities to get the second missile off), and the map/route system has some neat features you can use in the ME for situational awareness.

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I gave the OH-58 a quick test last night- just to get the feel of the cyclic/collective action and I must say itā€™s goshdarnit squirrely.

I only set up the main axis (Pitch, Roll, Yaw, zoom) and did a very very quick tweak of the curves. I probably have to work on the sensitivity- increasing the curve to get more control around the central positionā€¦

But beside that I could throw it about and do some precision tricks without big issues. Only exception is the quickness with which it rolls over when the roll is handled too harshly.

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Yep itā€™s not the quickest, but I love the feel of the flight model, it feels to me like how I imagine helicopters should feel ā€¦( if that makes sense)

Itā€™s very nimble but not overly sensitive (looking at you gazelle)

For me the cut price apache is a great modulešŸ˜€

LOL, ā€œWe have Apache at homeā€


Buddy wants to fly on Project Overlord until 20:00 CET. Iā€™ll be on the Mudspike Discord shortly after 20:00h

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Absolutely no worries, this is not a job! :smiley:

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I will need 15 minutes too- anyways Iā€™ll be in Mudspike discord.

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Iā€™d love to join but I got a party I need to be seen at tonight :frowning:

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Iā€™m not around and didnā€™t read this whole thread. But the Rotorheads server seems perfect for what you want. As the name implies mostly helos. But all fixed wing are there with limited roles. Itā€™s where I spend 90pc of my DCS time.

BMS multiplayer is complicated. It works very well. But accessing is mostly manual. One server I used during COVID required an oral interview before joining to ensure I was using the correct upload and download speeds and the correct IP address for comms.

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