Going Wireless w Pimax

It recently came up that some of you are wireless on your VR sets. Can anyone tell me if there is a way for my Crystal to go wiresless without spending 300+ on the 60G airlink? That seems a bit excessive, no?

Per @PaulRix recommendation, some of us Quest 2 and 3 users are connecting over WiFi using this contraption. Once we have our headsets connected, we launch Virtual Desktop purchased through the Meta store, not the one in the Steam store. It is really fast, like 2.4 Gbps as reported by Virtual Desktop.

I have no idea if any of it will work with the Pimax, but you might search to see if any Pimax owners are using an air bridge and if Virtual Desktop is compatible. The PrismXR and Virtual Desktop cost about $100 total for a price comparison.


I’m using a Quest 2. Wireless is provided by an old wireless router set in “Wireless AP” mode, running a separate wireless network from my normal network and taking care to use a different channel.

It works well, and I didn’t have to buy any new stuff for it. And it also allows the Quest 2 to access the internet without having to muck around with leaving or joining networks.