It weighs a ton. I think it needs a kick stand lol!
So apparently this thing will take 100 to 175 mhz on the GPU and 500 to 800mhz on the memory!!! Keep overvolt off and crank power, temp and fan sliders.
Testing will continue in the morning
It weighs a ton. I think it needs a kick stand lol!
So apparently this thing will take 100 to 175 mhz on the GPU and 500 to 800mhz on the memory!!! Keep overvolt off and crank power, temp and fan sliders.
Testing will continue in the morning
AT 100 GPU and 600 memory OC it runs ok. Anything else it crashed. Not a huge upgrade… Not at all.
If you haven’t already, make sure you switch the bios to OC mode. This will allow for more aggressive power settings and better OC.
There should be a tiny switch on the side of the card.
Yup,! Got the switch soon as I got the card. But good looking out. Took me a minute to find it. Its tiny. Had a holistic experience (finally) last night as I found my OC. I’m not so impressed with the numbers. 110 on the GPU and 600 on the memory. As the card breaks in I will try more. I think my 1080 ran at 2000mhz and this one runs 2085mhz…
Memory at 650 runs 7650mhz, GPU at 120 runs at 2160. I’m a happy boy.
So, how’s performance in VR?
So, how’s performance in VR?
Performance in VR is good. It’s just not 1300 dollars worth of good. It’s a step or two better than my 1080 hybrid IN DCS. That said, DCS is very aircraft dependent. The Fw-190 runs a whole lot smoother than the Tomcat.
Then there is BoX. Performance in BoX went up a whole bunch. I have not even touched the sliders in that game. It looks and performes Way better than with the 1080.