Guess I'll share this taser hit video of me

​My first experience with tear gas was in basic training in the Army. (1985) and then with pepper spray a few years later as a MP in the Army.

But for the Taser, over 20 years ago my department issued tasers, but you had to of course take a class and then take a hit before you could carry. Now they didn’t shoot you with it, instead they clipped it to your clothing. I thought for sure I could handle it; I’ve already done so much of less than lethal training and hits in the past.

Anyway, now that I’m retired, I’m allowed to share my videos, you’re not usually allowed while still working for a department.

WARNING: Strong language and sexual jokes not only to hide my embarrassment but also to get a laugh from my fellow officers. (Why I was always in trouble with my department. lol)

WOW, just saw that in 7 days this video got over 1k views… never had any of my boring videos to get over 100 views. lol


Makes for a great recruitment vid bro. That looks like a fun crew. And another set of kudos for the epic stache :wink:


That’s so damn funny. Thanks for sharing!

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lol, that is a cool video Mags

The way you prepared yourself to be tased is similar to how I prepare to play Stalker 2 :laughing:


WTF, I was nervous just watching the video :grimacing:

I am the 1372 view :+1:

Same. I don’t recall much more than all of us being herded into a large empty room (1979-ish). Then they gassed us and made us take the masks off. I’m not sure it was a significant dose however.

GREAT video!


Love the way you psyched yourself up :slight_smile:


Same, summer of ‘75. Put a platoon sized group in a large tent, All of the drill sargents had protective masks on. They demonstrated how to put it on, instructed us to do so, released a bunch of CS, ordered us to remove our masks, then run around in a circle yelling our name, hometown, and serial number for a few minutes, then ran us outside. Or something like that.


Our ‘gas’ training involved entering the tent three times:

The first you went in fully suited up for a few minutes then exited - this was to demonstrate that the masks worked and to give you confidence in them.

Second. Enter fully suited and then one-by-one remove mask and state name, rank and number. I think I got about halfway through my serial number before they were hustling me out.

Third time. Enter tent with your mask in the pouch and put it on and clear it in less than 15 seconds.