Making them work is easy, getting the correct brightness is a little harder.
If they are being powered by an adjustable PWM that you are using to control strips this might complicate things a little.
What you need to know is the forward voltage of the LEDs, usually varies by colour.
This can be found out with many, but not all multimeters, look for the diode function, here is a random vid that explains both ways to test, to get it quickly you could jump to the 3 min mark.
Forward voltage should be in the data sheet also.
Theory and practise are 2 different beasts.
Whilst i can suggest a hookup and resistance values, i can’t be sure weather they will be too bright or too dim, and if running from a controller that is running other LED’s you also have to consider relevant brightness, you don’t want a situation where the button lights are too dim whilst the strip is too bright, or the other way around.
Most bullet proof solution is to use a resistor in series with each LED, something like this…
This runs 11ma through an LED with a 1.8v forward voltage.
I suspect it might be a little bright at this level of power, but not overly so, and the PWM dimmer can help there.
So, in theory…
a) 1 resistor per LED between either the anode and positive or between the cathode and ground.
b) use the data sheet and the led calculator linked above to come up with a sane value factoring in LED forward voltage and amx rated current.
In practise…
Experiment with different resistor values to get the desired brightness, and possibly also to match the button brightness vs the LED strip.
:edit: Regarding labels.
Labels and wires in Kicad do the same job.
Useful for when running wires in KiCad can create a headache.
Use them often, but not always.
Following is an over simplified example (the example makes labels look bad, only because you wouldn’t ordinarily use them like this).
This is a section of a larger schematic where labels same a massive mess of wires.
Note just 1 example - Near top right of the micro controller at pin 9 is label ‘SCK_D15’
Same label can be found on the programming connector (pin 3) and on J4 header pin 1.
If not for the label this would be a tangled mess of green wires.
Lastly, terminology…
Wire - is pretty much a virtual wire
Bus - different meanings depending on context, but nothing in this thread is a bus (sorry to throw you under the… bus… @gadget )
Label - a… virtual, virtual wire I guess? all lables with the same name are tied as if being a wire.
Sorry if this got long, feel free to ask any questions.