I’ve used sublime merge for some time now, works great as well.
I’ve watched people try and fail miserably to merge onto the highway, and that’s 1000x easier.
Friends don’t let friends code drunk.
I had ME, you had to disable anything in the background to free up RAM enough for gaming. Bah and I bought it top dollar when building a new rig. I also bought Vista at full price too. No wonder Bill Gates is loaded
I feel somehow responsible for the change in sensitivities…somewhere in the early 80’s; something about a “Miss Main Bang” contest I decided to hold, monthly, at a remote airfield in Alaska (with the requisite ATC RADAR antenna); with 140 men and 12 women. 11 of them thought it was fun.
That looks like a graph of my golf game! Buddy, Bob, knew if he fed me Jack D’s on #1 by about #4 I’d be knocking down the flagstick. Until about #13, then it was all over.
Amen. I fly Stable so I don’t have to deal with all the problems on OB.
Hello fellow Hornet pilots!
I have news on NVidia Drivers that may be of urgent nature to some of you.
There is a known, reported bug when using the more recent NVidia drivers that the SA page causes massive framerate loss (I get 20FPS with it up with my 9900k, NVMe drives and a 1070ti). The performance was reported to be especially bad for VR users, but it may not affect all of you - especially those with RTX (20xx) cards.
Today I went to the newest, 445.87 driver which improved my external view FPS back to normal (445 branch was locking me at ~60FPS max roughly) to begin hitting >60FPS to a peak over 100FPS. However, the SA page was still as broken as before.
A solution is to roll back your NVidia driver. I am using 442.59 at present, which while it doesn’t resolve my external FPS issue does get me internal FPS back to the same ~60FPS cap and also the SA page doesn’t cause any problems.
One version earlier may be better but I have not tested that yet.
Thanks for that…
BTW, how do I ‘roll back’ again, in W10? In Device Manager the box is grayed out - I must have something set incorrectly or I installed it in a manner not compatible for this action?
Thanks ahead of time.
I just go to the GeForce website and download the older package, much easier and you can pick the exact version.
Got it
Oh wonderful. Years ago the driver dance was very common, but in recent times it had largely gone away.
Not happy to see THIS bit of nostalgia return.
Their general stance seems to be “screw you, just buy the newest generation cards”.
I agree, I have been happily taking in all drivers and even Windows updates almost entirely without issue for a while. I have rarely had to deal with a bad Nvidia driver, and the one time I recall a patched version followed in under 24 hours.
I haven’t seen global complaints from other games etc, so no pinpoint on the issue.
Dear Community and Hornet Pilots,
Today I would like to discuss with you our DCS: F/A-18C Hornet roadmap. We look forward to working with you in a constructive and efficient manner to create an achievable and transparent roadmap that covers the features to be delivered by the end of 2020 that will bring the Hornet out of Early Access.
I have also included the features that we plan to work on in 2021 to sustain the Hornet after Early Access completion.
DCS: F/A-18C Out of Early Access Features:
- Completion of the Litening Targeting Pod (to be delivered with next update)
- Dynamic launch zone, AUTO mode for JDAM (to be delivered with next update)
- AG radar. MAP + Fixed Target Track (FTT) (to be delivered with next update)
- SLAM air-to-surface missile (to be delivered in next update)
- [ complex ] AG radar. EXP modes (1-2-3), GMT and GMTT modes, and SEA search mode
- [ difficult ] Azimuth / Elevation air-to-air radar mode with AUTO IFF modes
- [ difficult ] Coupled autopilot modes
- [ difficult ] ACLS mode
- [ difficult ] Datalink symbols, EW symbols, and AG mode for JHMCS
- [ normal ] Correct possible flare number loaded
- [ normal ] ASPJ ECM jammer
- [ normal ] Adjust countermeasure programs when on ground
- [ normal ] Mark points
- [ normal ] Offset waypoints
- [ difficult ] SLAM-ER air-to-surface missile
- [ difficult ] Harpoon, SEA radar directed mode (FTT)
- [ iterations during 2020 until completed] Update flight model for ground effect, takeoff pitch effects, auto-pilot based on FPM, touch and go handling, and other remaining flight model issues
Complex - 12-20 weeks of development
Difficult - 4-8 weeks of development
Normal - 2-3 weeks of development
DCS: F/A-18C Hornet Improvements in 2021:
- Jamming targets not displayed on radar, should be in dugout
- Aircraft Setup Card in Options
- Mission Card for 60 waypoints with properties (Sequence 1, 2, 3, PP, PB, Initial, etc.)
- RWS RAID air-to-air radar sub-mode missing
- Radar SPOT mode
- AG radar interleaved mode (SEA and GMT)
- AG radar. AGR (air to ground ranging) mode
- HARM Pre-Briefed mode
- Select AA and AG on ground
- TALD decoy
- AIM-7P
- Mk-77 firebomb
- GBU-24 Paveway III LGB
- IN LAR cue is missing
- The missing function of WIDE radar auto acquisition mode, cannot slew it
- UFC BU page
- Flight member TGT ground target SA page symbol missing
- Fuel BIT (FLBIT) Page
- MUMI Page
- Gun sparks at night
- INS / GPS full simulation and alignment (carrier and ground)
- LOFT modes, ARM, JPF, and other JDAM and JSOW remaining functions
- BDU-45 Training Bomb
- GEN-X decoy
- S/A and AUTO countermeasure modes
We decided to first focus on the most difficult features to develop and finish them this year. This, however, will slow down our F-16C Viper development efforts. However, F-16C will continue to be updated in 2020, and it will receive updates to the targeting pod, updates for HUD and HSD, steerpoint creation, and the addition of more weapons.
We are open and look forward to your comments and requests. Let’s discuss it and finalize the plan!
The Eagle Dynamics Team
Of course one could argue about what is more basic/urgent and what isn’t, but what I see sounds good to me.
I like their attention to detail
I can’t wait to finally have the jammer, and the radar respond to jammers in a consistent manner.
Do they ever mention AI improvements it these things? I don’t recall much. Be nice to have my Hornet wingman refuel without jumping through hoops; or go brain-dead when told to hold somewhere; or…never mind.