Hornet Mini-Updates

Last word I saw was that beta is going to stable, no more beta updates this month.

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Yeah, that’s what i saw, but it is kinda confusing because just last week i think Wags posted that the engineer in charge felt confident that the Litening was still going to be released in June.

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End of June was never a promise, but an estimate. Today is a planned stable update, so nothing new for OB till next week. I am sure when the TGP is ready to go, Wags will be discussing it more.


It’s cool, we can always TGP things with harrier and hog in the meantime.


Tomcat as well. It’ll be ready when it’s ready.

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As a stable only player for now, I’m happy to see 2.5.5 there finally!


I’ve been a stable player for weeks now

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I still get bouts of insanity every other week, what’s your secret?


Stable? This is stable…



Now I’m really glad I pressed record! Literal laugh out loud.


So it is no longer planned for June? That’s all i needed to hear to not be confused, thanks.

Well june ends this week, there was no OB patch yesterday so yeah…

Guys, the suspense is real - but remember, the AGM-65F can be used as a makeshift FLIR and the AGM-65E as a makeshift laser spot scanner!

The technical limitation of only forward view will feel like you are simulating technological advancement in game! It’s an immersion benefit!

(I’m actually only half joking - see the screenshots thread where I posted images of Franze lazing targets and I picked them up at night with a Mav-E and NVG’s - it’s actually really fun to work with.)


That “refueling attempt” gif is why I never try to AAR while Wes is online! He is always watching!


You didn’t watch the video then, he caught the basket and held it afterwards. So you see, pressure brings success!


The best thing about that video is how you point the camera way up to the stratosphere as if you expected him to come out somewhere ten clicks above the tanker.

“Watch out texaco, Frog’s going ballistic!”


I did have a chuckle when I watched the clip - my timing was pretty good, it’s looks like I used the F5 camera on the way back down. That was all TrackIR’d with a manual camera adjustment using F4 on the tanker though.

I was just trying to follow him so when he went up so did my head - then I realized “that was dumb - should have kept looking forward, that’ll be a terrible shot”. Well, glad I was wrong.


The silver lining department: If it were not for the absence of am FA-18 targeting pod I would have never learned FAC stuff which I now think is the coolest thing ever! :grin:


In an upcoming Open Beta we will be adding the Pilot Identification (PLID) function to the Situational Awareness (SA) page. PLID allows you to manually set the top half of a HAFU (your identification) for a non-PPLI contact on the SA page. The top half of the HAFU can be manually set to friendly, hostile, or unknown. This video talks about how to use this why you would.

  • Wags

I thought PLID was on the initial Logbook page…at least that’s where I put the pilot’s picture…:wink: