You must be in A/G mode to arm the laser. That was getting me too.
the “laser” …sorry…that always cracks me up.
On a more serious side, is there an update to the manual?
There is, according to the patch notes. Of course, like a hairy monkey I did not RTFM, but just dove right on in after giving wags’ vids a quick look-see.
I was slinging LGB’s like a boss right-away. These machines truly are thought out well. So easy to figure out and play. Of course it helps if you already know how to play twelve-bar blues on the A-10C
@Hangar200 isn’t it a laser? A big metal shark with a metal ball under its belly with a fricking laser beam?
Forum: my LGB’s are not guiding, are they bugged?
Hey everyone,
Despite some good videos on using the Litening targeting pod with laser-guided bombs, there still seems to be some confusion. Here is a simple checklist:
1- Master Arm to ARM.
2- Master Mode to AG.
3- Select an LGB (LG82, LG83, or LG84) from the SMS page.
4- Set LGB MODE to AUTO (PB 5). Will show as CCIP until Target Point is set.
5- Set LGB MFUZ to OFF (PB 4).
6- Set LGB EFUZ to INST (PB 3).
7- Set LGB CODE to 1688 (or any valid code that matches the pod code) (PB 1 and then UFC)
8- FLIR switch on SNSR panel to ON.
9- LTD/R switch on SNSR panel to ARM.
10- Display FLIR on DDI/MPCD (FLIR at PB 6 on TAC page).
11- Sensor Control Switch (SCS) in direction of the display with FLIR. For example: if FLIR is on the right DDI, press SCS right. TDC assignment indicated by diamond in top/right corner.
12- Slew FLIR crosshair over target using TDC slew [, . / ;].
13- Designate FLIR pointing location as Target Point by pressing [ENTER] or depress TDC switch. Attack mode switches from CCIP to AUTO with ASL and Target Point on HUD.
14- Enable (box) TRIG (PB 11) on FLIR page.
15- Ensure FLIR UFC CODE matches LGB CODE.
16- Conduct standard LGB AUTO attack. Line up velocity vector with ASL and hold down weapon release button [RALT + Spacebar] shortly before bomb fall line passes through the velocity vector.
17- At 15 seconds before Time To Impact (TTI) , press and hold trigger button [Spacebar] to fire the laser. In general, conduct attack between 20-25k at no less than 350kts.
They have also acknowledged a bug in the auto bombing profile for higher altitude which places the release point over the target - meaning bombs go long. This doesn’t happen every time, but is easy to notice on the TGP as you should be releasing well before passing over the target.
I will need to make a copy of those directions for my first attempts until I burn it in.
To this day I still don’t use the TGP on the A-10C. I use it like a glorified A-10A. So this will be my first real DCS TGP use.
Needless to say I barely know the Harrier either.
I have flown a couple of DLC campaigns in the hog and that made me learn and love the TGP. It also made me buy the deltasim warthog throttle slew stick upgrade
I am also a huge fan of the TGP in the A-10C. It is so well integrated in that plane, really intuitive and easy.
- choose LGB, standard settings
- TGP as SOI
- designate target
- drop bomb like dumb bomb from anywhere above 12000 ft
- laser on last 15s before impact (or use the really easy auto lase)
Curious how well it will work for me in this plane.
Going to have another go at laser bombs in the hornet. This morning I missed 5 out of 6. Now I will try without messing with waypoints. Read somewhere that that might mess up CCRP. Another thing to try is dropping them CCIP and then lasing them. See if the eggs spot the laser consistently that way.
<.edit:> Ok had another stab at it. CCRP is frelled. At least it is in the Gulf map. Bombs go consistently long. CCIP drop works beautifully but well, we want to fly straight & level when we drop these fancy laser eggs, don’t we?
So what’s the procedure to use the TGP with JDAM? Like the A-10C? Designate & drop?
For laser you can pre-release from CCRP profile by guesstimating and switching mode to CCIP really quick, then pickle.
-Select JDAM
-Wait for Alignment
-Set Attack type to TOO
-Go to JDAM page
-Go to mission page
-Target with TGP, laze for good measure
-TDC depress to select target
-Coords should appear on TOO mission page
-Verify JDAM in range as normal
Holy heck do I love that TPOD. Having the deltasim slew helps a ton in appreciating the TPOD of course, as its so easy and accurate to control.
I have made three target range missions for NTTR, Iran and Georgia. In Iran, AUTO mode drops the paveways long, making them overshoot the laser basket and miss. On the NTTR and Caucasus maps, it works as advertised!
Now what I have not yet exhaustively tested is if these results differ for GBU’s of different sizes. I tested using 500 pounders (GBU-16) and saw the big boys (GBU-10) go way wide on the gulf map.
Also JDAM is so easy it’s like cheatin’.
That’s weird…like really weird.
The hard part is “dropping” the DMPIs on a targeting work station…an intense training and certification process before you can even think about targeting something…not to mention all the target folder production, collateral damage assessments…heck, just finding a target can be extremely difficult, more so than one might expect. All done by us intel bubbas working in the intel center behind a couple locked doors. No glamor…No Glory…No movies…those all got to the Airedales who, as you said, just do the easy part…although we don’t have to try and land a jet on a boat…at night…so I guess it evens out.
Nor are you as likely to get shot at while doing your part…
In some multiplayer servers, intel gathering can actually come into play. I learned how to use the Viggen’s ELINT pod to locate emissions, which means a lot with a restricted map view. In particular, I was trying to find a hostile ship group, and had I been able to find them, would have been able to follow up with an anti-shipping strike.
Oh, I don’t know about that. I knew a couple of Masters-At-Arms on my ship with spectacular anger-management issues.
The ELINT pod is a cool feature. I need to make up a small Viggen campaign where you have to use the pod, over several flights to narrow down a couple of radar/SAM sites. Then a final mission where you have to enter your own waypoints into the Viggen’s computer to nail the sites.
EDIT: Or maybe some type of multi-player campaign where you pass off the coordinates to Hornet pilots and get the kills with a JADAM? Probably never get that kind of accuracy though…still even a strike with Sesames would be cool.
Please release it to the public if/when you finish it. I would love to try this out.