@Maico sorry to hear about this! Hope it doesn’t knock you down for too long.
Sorry to hear Maico, keep us posted
Thank you guys for your support. What I’m about to say will seem unreal to some of you. I was transferred to this place out in the middle of nowhere. The hospital wing we stay in is closed off. There are 10 or 15 of us here. There is one shower in someone’s room. We are all positive. Are we really sharing one shower?? No hot water anywhere. As you can immagine its constantly freezing. My friend tried to drop off pajamas, underware toothbrush…you know nessesities. The hospital said this is not allowed. As I was screaming at the head nurse I said “So the plan is for me to be filthy for two weeks?” I’m in hell.
I believe that culture appreciates bribes more than screaming.
Good luck…
Any treatment plan? Or just quarantine?
Preying for you brother.
I get meds all day. It’s about the only good thing I can say.
Oh dear. Be well mate.
I’m so sorry @Maico. I hope your condition improves and you are out of that situation soon.
Keep us posted and keep your chin up bud.
Christ! This is horrible. Thinking of you, Mark, and wishing you strength in your recovery.
The good news is that if you’ve had symptoms for two weeks,you are pretty much near the end of your illness. The living conditions suck, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Sure beats the alternative. Time to read that Thunderbolt manual cover to cover.
Millennials Translation: Instruction manuals used to be printed on something called “paper”. All the pages would be bound together is something we called a “Book”, or in this case a “Manual”. At the front and back of the Book/Manual were special pages that were normally a bit thicker than the rest of the pages. There were called the “covers” and they protected the other pages. So to read something “cover to cover” is an old fashion and quaint way to to say to say “read the whole thing”…or if you prefer, “read the entire file”.
What? Somebody has to teach these kids!…and yell at them to get off my lawn!
Having a good day. Even got comedy up in here. First its Arabic food everyday…Qatar remember? First 2 days I was sooo sick and the food was ice cold. This morning it was Beans for breakfast. I love Beans!!! Lunch was rice w lamb and I would have fought any of ya for it. It was delicious. Last nights fish in tomato sauce was good as well.
And here is my comedy corner. Theres a gentleman down the hall 2 doors from me. He is high 70s to early 80s. The bathroom is across from me. Yesturday he came in my room after he went to the toilet. I popped my head out of bed and said ,No no, this is my room sir. He pointed spoke in Arabic but I stood my ground. He protested in arabic as he left. But he left. Today, same stunt. This time he pointed as to say, Get out my bed!!! This time i had to meet him at the door. The nurses were already coming for him and as he left we all had a good laugh. Oh I’m going to miss this place… the food, the laughs, the pretty nurses who’s eyes i can only see… No NO I’ll be alright.
And Hanger gets Old Man Post of the Year again!!! The OMPOTY
Good to see that your sense of humor is intact!
Maico, may I humbly suggest that you keep a diary? It may not seem worthwhile now, but 20 years on, I promise you that many of the details will fade, and if only for you, the details to the story will matter. It will help you understand what kind of man you were at the time, and you will be surprised at how well (or poorly) you handled the situation. You only make the journey once my man. Just another “old man’s” advice.
You missed out all sorts of jokes about papyrus, stone tablets, chisels, and hieroglyphics.
Never mind… I know your not at your best
FYI the oldest Millennials are in their 40s now. I still have my Red Storm Rising and F-15E Strike Eagle II manuals.
I’ll give you 20 Mudspike bucks if the next time that gentleman goes to the bathroom, you lock your door then run down and jump into his bed!
OMPOY? OK, I’m cool with that …but I’m not the one posting that @Maico keep a dairy! He’s in a hospital for gosh sakes! Where is he going to put those cows?