I always find myself with 1 engine with the pe-2 and I always crash or wreck out, can anyone tell me what i’m doing wrong?
Is the dead propeller, feathered? Don’t know if the PE-2 could feather the props…
You could come in higher. That means you don’t need to apply as much power on the live engine.
Keep the speed up! If you go too slow, the rudders will lose out to the yawing force of the engine.
yeah I pressed the feather button, think it worked the prop was spinning abit. I had the working prop pinned at 100% but still stalled at the end :?
Ok. I wasn’t sure since the propeller blade angle doesn’t look like it’s feathered. The propeller could’ve stopped because of a shaft seizure.
Just try coming in higher. If you come in low, you need a lot of power on the live engine. This creates a lot of yaw that must be counteracted by the rudders. And as you slow down to land, your rudders will lose their effectiveness.
So, stay high enough that you can almost glide in, with no power.
imo too much flaps too much undercariage I wil go for bely landing
see the flaps, they are damaged also and did not extend completely so full extension generated aditional roll tendency. and undercariage is just aditional drag which can cause further staling if you loose speed.
Yes, that’s also true. Flaps and gear means drag that must be overcome by engine power, or an even steeper glide.
That said, it should be possible to land on one engine.
Might require practise, though.
Ah [quote=“NEVO, post:5, topic:7367”]
imo too much flaps too much undercariage I wil go for bely landing
Do you happen to know If the pe-2 has the ability to fly single engine?
you actualy did it so its doable I would say but I realy dont know what was in the flight manual about single engine operation…
…found something useful for ya
I wouldn’t use the flaps for drag considerations, other then that, try and be a little more gentle on the controls! Keep up the speed and try and come in too fast, you flared too early which caused you to come down hard, try and keep that speed up.
I assume it does not have a “Blue Line” on the airspeed indicator…
VYSE is commonly referred to as “ Blue Line .” Minimum control speed (VMC)—the minimum flight speed at which a light, twin-engine aircraft can be satisfactorily controlled when an engine suddenly becomes inoperative and the remaining engine is at takeoff power.
…if not, look for the something about VYSE or VMC in the manual.
The general idea is that when you get slower than VMC the rudder is not able to correct for the asymmetrical thrust from the good engine at full power. So all the advice above about coming in higher altitude and faster airspeed is spot on.
Flaps…so you are coming in fast (above VMC), gear down, and then…pick your moment…flaps down, reduce throttle bleed off the airspeed as you you put it on the ground.
yeah, i was way too slow and too much flaps for sure.
I haven’t done this in BoX, but one thing I can see in the video is that the prop isn’t feathered. I’m assuming the the PE-2 has a variable pitch prop. Without feather, the effect is allowing unnecessary drag on the side not producing thrust.
Never mind. Late to the discussion.
I would imagine that, back in the day, not all props were “featherable”, which would suck.
I think I just invited a new word.
I just found out the pe-2 you cant feather it