How Microsoft Accidentally Made the Most Realistic Map

Nice little vid!


That is a cool video. Love me some old SubLogic facts and history…


That was excellent. We tend to take it all for granted. It’s nice to pause and recognize the incredible achievements behind our hobby and for some, a profession.


That was excellent. Very well written and produced, educational and stirring. Man I love this hobby.

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This was absolutely marvelous!
I loved the thorough research that obviously went into it.

I wish he had highlighted a little more the colossal step that FSX was in terms of optimization- but that’s okay.

I am in fact now subscribed to that channel. I’m looking forward to see more of his content.

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Excellent! Also though—no mention of “Flight”. That was almost jarring. His history is so deeply informative. I played every single version of those products, including Flight Simulator on the Apple IIe. And while I knew none of this, I did know that the flop of Flight was big enough to merit a mention.


I thought so too, but I think that given the overall idea was to talk about the world map - and Flight didn’t actually have a world map -it would have been a “side-quest” so to speak not really relevant to the subject.


Great production on this video, but it has many mistakes - afformentioned lack of MS Flight from 2012 which the Aces studio worked on, FS games before MSFS2020 modelled the entire Earth already (maybe with some of its areas in less detail but still), SRTM height data was already used in FS2002 AFAIK (with certain levels of detail for different areas). But those omissions are undestandable since he admitted himself he started with FSX.


Right! It didn’t. I installed, tried it briefly and went WTH? Shortly thereafter MS discontinued the series.


I have Flight and Dovetail sim still installed…

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