How much does nostalgia cost? EECH part 2

Some screenshots of the new cockpits WIP.Stay tuned .


Gorgeous…! Keep us posted…


WOW, modders did a lot of work compared to vanilla EECH:

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nice work! lighting in eech is real pain

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I do prefer the later images to be honest…the first looks like HDR has gone a little haywire…

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Yes…! I like it without the purple-ish accents… Very nice!

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Great job, keep it up.


Welcome Aboard :slight_smile:

Those look great. Man I wish that sim had an updated graphics engine that would allow for VR…

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Wow, simply amazing!

Wow…that looks awesome…!


Well done!

This looks really good. I’d be interested to know how to you got the text on buttons to highlight.

Are you going to make the mod available for download?

Welcome to our community :wink:

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@Alx and @square_flux

Do NOT bring your quarrel into this forum.

You have been warned.


Please, square_flux or someone else can contact Ignarik on simhq? He needs help adding ATAKA missile for KA52 in game, thanks to everyone who help.

Hey, @Skip. sadly, eech weapons system is really complicated - you need to rewrite payload page completely to add a single weapon (I’ve been there, many times) and edit a dozen others. Ignarik does not have code skills as I know and not able to figure it out even with instructions, I am busy on MSFS projects, and I don’t have contact with Firebird. Unlikely someone else will be able to help you guys.

Hi Thealx, no problem thanks for your reply, good luck with your projects.