How much does nostalgia cost?

About $5.99 at and about 6 minutes to install (including the 1.160 ALLMODS patch)…

Even after all these years…she still looks pretty good… I might have to dust off my controller profile and give it a whirl again. I’ll tell ya’ one thing…that darn auto-action camera is addicting. I just sat and watched the action cam for about fifteen minutes…

And yes, the screens probably look a bit better than what actually happens in game. I mean, the AI still sorta flies funny, and even though a huge number of improvements have been made, it IS still EECH (for better and worse). But the modders really have spiffed it up a ton.


Wow! I would never have imagined that was EECH.

EECH was great. Never remember modding it though…
This makes me want a AH-64 in DCS.

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EECH had such a fun dynamic campaign. Player could really make a difference by doing well, and make an even bigger difference by daringly going off-track.

There was a coherent system of supply, retreat and advance. Nothing just happened, but it all had a reason and could be influenced.

More than this or that machine would I love to see something similar happen in DCS.

Let’s mourn a minute for Combat Helo.

“I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could’ve been somebody…”



This made me miss Jane’s Longbow 2 for some reason…

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I wish VorpX had a trial time limit so I could see if I could get EECH working in VR. I mean…that’d be worth the price of VorpX right there - but so much of what you read about it is is…meh…like people either rave about it or say it was a waste of money. I don’t even know if the way EECH processes graphics would make it a candidate…and the fact that it uses menus pretty heavily might be a problem too. I dunno…

Does it support TrackIR and a modern HOTAS? I could run it on my non-VR backup rig.

isnt the EECH sourcecode out there? perhaps some dudes could hack it into unity…

Yes, it supports TrackIR and modern HOTAS. In fact, the HOTAS setup is really nice and simple for at least the basic functions…

My biggest problem is I can’t TrackIR during the day because of so many light sources in my living room. That is the beauty of the Rift…better tracking AND I can use it any time of day…


Yes. There have been some guys working on and off it for many years. They make big leaps, then some incremental improvements. Most of what would make it better has less to do with graphics than gameplay. If they could get those ground units that move node-to-node to actually engage one another…well, that’d be a really cool thing.

Next I need to dig into the EECH.ini and set some other parameters. I running with the default settings…there is a lot to (re)explore there

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So I started fiddling with the EECH.ini and came out with some pretty satisfactory results. The big improvements are CBAR = 2000 (which moves the draw distance for city objects and stuff further out), enabling rotor dust, enabling rotor blur, and improving the TSD and map textures. There are lots of options to mess with…so it is a bit fun experimenting with the settings…

The updated trees look awesome - unfortunately they don’t block missiles. The old “tree blocks” are still there, but these trees are spread around certain theaters where they are appropriate. They do block your LOS to things though…so there’s that…

Looks like a new UH-60 model (perhaps by Messyhead?)…looks great…!

One of my favorites…the Kiowa…

There can be some pretty cool moments in the Action Cam…

Lots of new and old maps to play with:

Once I have a couple days to get a profile up to speed, I wouldn’t mind playing some MP if anyone is interested in some old school simming. Not totally sure where the MP situation stands at the moment…

Beach, do you have VirtualDesktop or something like it? I’ve had really good results using that and OpenTrack in a lot of the older sims. I’ll reinstall EECH today and give it a go, see if it’s playable.

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I do have Virtual Desktop. So…is that how you could at least play it 2D, in the Rift, with the headtracking of the Rift? Hmm…interesting concept!

It works pretty good in Cliffs of Dover and Falcon4. I don’t miss the 3D effect at all.


I kept forgetting to try this out - thanks for the reminder. Will update the topic you made originally, as it is quite nice using this in CloD!

For some reason, EEAH/EECH never really quite clicked with me like Longbow 2 did. I think the massive, open nature of the play style made it difficult to find a goal and focus on it, so you were kind of lost as to what needed to happen and make it so. I remember coming back to it a few years ago to play it in MP which was way better, but the netcode was finiky and we had lots of problems with disconnects.

The other side of the coin was the vortex ring state was waaayyy overblown and far too easy to fall into. Got annoying real quick to have a high performance helicopter that didn’t handle like one.