I dont have the mods folder in saved games/DCS openbeta 2.8.8

I need help i dont have the mods folder in saved games dcs open beta 2.8.8
I reinstalled the game and i changed the location of the game and nothing changed. Im in Windows 11
anyone have the same issue?

Welcome to Mudspike! I just have a DCS directory rather than an Open Beta directory. As far as I know you can simply create a mods directory under the main DCS directory.


Welcome to Mudspike.

If it doesn’t exist you can just create one (a mods folder). IIRC that is what I did. e.g.

C:\Users\username\Saved Games\DCS\Mods


Welcome to Mudspike, @Attila! :mudspike:
Just like Mr. Bumcrack here, I too had to create the folder.

Thanks everyone for the help