If I go MS flight sim

I’ve gone and put my foot in my mouth AGAIN! Sorry about that @smokinhole. I’ve deleted my BS.


Thanks for what you said about me @Victork2 - I am glad I found this place because I was sick of all the childishness on ‘that other’ forum.

Here I have discovered a group of mature individuals, who even though I have never met would gladly have a beer or whisky with. Believe me, I would never have posted about my ‘employment history’ on any other forum.

I believe in robust debate and will gladly argue my point or have it challenged, but I will never resort to personal attacks. If in the future I ever overstep the mark, please call me out, but rest assured it was not intentional.


This pretty much sums up my reaction when reading this thread.


I about died laughing at that! Mirrors my sentiments exactly. :joy:

To contribute:

MSFS is visually incredible. It’s simply amazing in that respect. However the flight models and systems leave a lot to be desired. It’s obvious to me that the dev team lacked experience with anything other than a Cessna 182. I’m not saying that to be harsh; it’s wonderful that many of them did go through Pilot training and a number actually got their licenses during the development process, which is very cool!

But when systems like the parking brake in jets working just like the one in a Cessna 182, the reversers opening and closing based on reverse power setting (that’s not how the clamshells work), or the ‘stop motion’ buttons in the KA350 cockpit, it means they didn’t do their homework, or didn’t have enough experienced SME’s involved*.

The twins having no VMC rollover simulated, 152 flight model being just off, stuff like that drove me nuts when I flew it, and I wound up uninstalling it, vowing to come back and check it out again in a year or two. Maybe that time is now, especially since VR has been implemented?

*All of that said, the system/framework they’ve developed is simply incredible, and I imagine all of the third party developers releasing planes can create accurate flight and system models.


@smokinhole is going to push me over the edge for an Xbox. Couch sightseeing would be awesome.

Also, Mudspike is great. Thanks for being here - all of you.


I can’t get one! I mean I could if I drove to Brooklyn. But that’s 5 miles and $20 in tolls away. NJ has been cleaned out of series X’s. I did by a nice Elite 2 controller. Hopefully I can find a control setup I like on the Windows machine while I continue my search for an Xbox.

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Hah, nearest Series X to me would be 80 miles and $30 in fuel away (but I bet the drive time would be about the same) - sounds like a 1st world problem to me :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wow. They’re readily available in my area it would seem.

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