Seems I have fallen behind with what can and can not be done regarding VR capability with a modded and possibly the stock version of IL-2 1946. I found a thread started in 2019, VR in IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 / BAT works! OMG! Meaning of life found!, over at Special Aircraft Service by UberDemon (Also danzigzag) detailing what needs to be done for it to work.
I have not tested it personally but UberDemon seemed to be pretty impressed with the results.
Now see. I have other stuff I need to be doing and you go posting that. Dang it…
Let us know what you think about the experience.
After the great Il2 GB VR implementation, it was a bit difficult for me to like the VR in 1946.
It was fun nonetheless and great to see that even such an old dog could do new things
Day late and a dollar short but I am looking forward to trying the old girl in the hood
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Could we get together at the weekend maybe and try it, I have a hunch that it may use less ram than other apps and could be a good one to test a theory that me and @komemiute have been working on.
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