IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz Edition

Quick and dirty performance observation:

First, I copied over my original configs after backing them up, and after playing the included tracks, and watching the FPS, there is definitely a very noticeable increase in overall performance, especially in respect to the “Black Death” track, in where previously the FPS (w/ my current configuration) was all over the place, depending on the action. The FPS is now much more stable, especially during scenes w/ heavy use of exploding ordinance.

I did, however, observe some pretty buggy behavior. First, the track w/ the Tiger Moth produces an incredibly annoying engine sound coming from the aircraft. I don’t know if it’s the track, my config, or a bug w/ the Tiger Moth, but it’s very distracting. Second, I lose mouse control when going from the simulation back to the menu, and I have to use ESC and finally ENTER to exit the sim. Again, it could be from using an old config file. I’ll continue to investigate when I get more free time.

Still, a very good first impression. The sound engine has also been upgraded, and it sounds damn good!

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So, my actual feelings.

I love it. With half my heart.

My problem comes in only when looking at the UI.
That … thing… does not belong to earth, it’s alien and the HOTAS game is kinda weak too.

But, boi… looks so sharp, flys so sharp, sounds SO sharp that I’m covered in cuts and scratches- literally.
Like I hugged a cactus.

Beside that- Britons flying death brrrrrt ends its bullets too fast and does too little damage.
Have yet to try campaign.

Oh, another thing- I need directions on how to handle the windows with messages and stuff while flying.
I mean- I need the info but I hate the windows, and beside that they overlap to radio commands.

Also I think I totally need Chucky’s guides for this game too, CEM is waaay to complex for my little brain.

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First look into the new update gameplay video i did :slight_smile:

ohh and its in 4K so enjoy :wink:


If you’re talking about that one, you don’t need it but it can help.


YASSS! That one! :smiley:

Why I don’t need it? :confused:

Oh I just meant that the engine limitations are all summed up in the Aircraft Operation Table document in the same thread.

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Ah! Thanks…:blush:

I haven’t done that in a decade… :rofl:


I’m just waiting for VR support! :vr:


The default ammo loadouts are pretty weak. They can be changed, lost where I put that good one though :frowning:

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Well, should you ever manage to find out something better, please let me know! :smiley:

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Ta! found it, had to remember the name of who’s it was first, can’t claim credit, but use to work well enough that I never bothered to tinker with it myself.

#9 on the thread

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Yes it’s been so long I forget how to close the information window. Fearless has explained it to me years ago. I forget. ALT plus ???

Edit: I found it
Alt-left click to select window. Right-click and you get the option to close it.


Thanks for that bish. You saved me from asking how to close the window.

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Glad it was helpful piper, I found a post by ParaBellum from 2011 :slight_smile:

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I couldn’t remember myself, and I must have typed that out in reply to others about 100 times!

Of course, that being 2011 means we might be getting old @bisher :slight_smile: :older_adult:

Anyone getting a game lockup when you hit the escape key? It jumps to the correct screen, but none of the buttons are clickable. Until then it works fine.

I though that was just me. I ended up just pressing the keyboard (s)hortcuts on the buttons to make it work.
