Weighed against the cost of knee and/or back surgery from having to go under my desk to swap out cables when I’m done using the Rift…I’ll take the hit…LOL…
Here is something. I have Right and Left Mouse on my HOTAS. I use my head to move the blue cross and click on stuff. Sometimes I use the mouse but most of the time I use my head and HOTAS, its just easier.
Near blind,
I worry that my monitor uses too many resources if the res is too high. I have a 3440x1440 monitor. I lower the res thinking this will make my VR experience better. Am I wrong here? And Yes, Im getting rid of that thing.
Ok ok, fair point
You got to walk out of the aircraft, stand back and look at them. Its so cool in VR
I don’t actually know for sure. I’m under the impression DCS renders three screens: The left and right eye views which are ~640x980 (don’t remember the exact resolution), and then it exports a repeat of the left eye to the DCS executable on the desktop to demo what it’s doing. I don’t know the extent to which rendering your desktop at 3440x1440 on top of that would degrade performance.
Perhaps @fearlessfrog or @SkateZilla know better? This is an area of hardware I’m weak on.
The Left Eye is Mirrored to a Desktop window, it has Zero Effect on the Actual Performance.
Thanks for your candor. I don’t know is always a better answer than a guess. Much appreciated.
I forgot to mention that I use my laptop to display the controls/checklists or maps. This frees up resources on my main machine. Im just saying this may be an option for people like Beach…
Sorry, Of course I do this on a second monitor.
And that’s the one the FRAPS captures, FYI.
I use Kneeboard Builder to resize and relocate a custom keyboard that works perfectly in VR. Brixmis has migrated some of his visual startup guides to his KIF Utility which work perfectly with Kneeboard Builder. You can also drop in Chuck’s guides, or Red Flag briefings. maps, and lineup cards on custom kneeboards too. Albeit, when the shooting starts, I find that the less pages I have to scroll through, the better.
Here’s a resized and relocated kneeboard in a non VR view just for reference.
Man, I’ve been planning on waiting for gen 2 to jump into VR, but the way you guys describe the immersion leap for sims is making me really curious about it and possibly moving it up on my sim budget road map.
Going to setup an appointment to try it out at Best Buy next week when I’m off call… I’m a bit worried that it’ll be like test driving a new car and trying not to buy it.
Is there a particular demo I should focus on that is part of the Rift package in the limited time I’ll have?
For me - the biggest wow factor is DCS World. I mean…the cockpits look great. Functionality wise - I’m not completely sold on it though. You will be at a disadvantage (I feel) with regards to spotting targets and discerning friend from foe. You might have an advantage in dogfights with the smooth tracking of the Rift and the intuitive nature of it. For helo ops…as long as I can see what my Vikhr is hitting, I’ll be OK…but I haven’t spent enough time in DCS World to make verdict yet. It IS without a doubt the most flight-like feeling I’ve ever felt in a sim.
P3D looks great too…but again, the resolution factor does come into play. It will be great for patterns and even ILS work…and flying VFR into some interesting spots. Again, preliminary feelings only because I’m only 24 hours into this.
What I do know is that when they come out with the 2nd gen VR…I’ll be the first in line to trade up…it is that good. And as @PaulRix and so many others have indicated…it is really hard to put into words how it looks.
And you’ve nailed what for me is the quintessential VR paradox in DCS. I fly DCS to kill things and break stuff. VR adds such a wow factor and makes flight so much more authentic, but it also makes the fight that much harder. At the moment I’m finding my desire to fly the jet as best as I possibly can is precluding VR.
I’m extremely excited for what Gen2 will bring, and if Laminar could kindly get off their rears with regards to VR, I’d appreciate that a lot.
In the store they will probably focus on the Oculus Dreamdeck demos or similar. None of them really give you a feel for what it feels to be in a VR cockpit, but they will give you an idea of the 3D total immersion you will get.
I got to start my neck exercises now before I got home and df in the Mustang.
Stay tuned…
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Why does my dollar suck!