Kerbal Space Program

Right now the only two mods I have installed are Lack’s Mk3 Tail Ramp…cuz yeah, self-explanatory; and Kerbal Flight Data. Kerbal Flight Data gives you the most basic of info that is really useful. Other than that, I run my KSP vanilla, with all the default values. No turning down drag or reentry heat, no turning up starting cash, etc.

Learning how to manually plot maneuvers like rendezvous, transfers and interplanetary correction burns has taught me much more about orbital mechanics.

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For you rocket nerds out there, you ever wondered what KSP would be like if it were a TV series? :smile:

KSP - The TV Show

Dammit! Finally all the mods I wanted were working halfway properly, and now they updated to 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 and half of the mods is incompatible. ARGH!
I guess I’ll stick to 1.0.2 for now…

But exciting news about 1.1 with Unity 5 :slight_smile:

Yet another reason to stay vanilla! :wink:

Which mods are broken for you, @Aginor?

Actually I checked just a few of my mods. KAS and KIS were broken when I checked yesterday, as well as two contract packs, my tech tree mod, mk2 expansion, and DRE. I haven’t checked RemoteTech and FAR yet.

Vanilla is not an option for me anymore. The aerodynamics and the tech tree alone make it unpleasant and too simple for me. But of course that’s a matter of taste. :slight_smile:

EDIT: But I’ll just wait a few days, I’m busy with The Witcher 2 right now anyway. :wink:

This is the most general KSP thread I can find, so necro’d it is!

Some scientist got stranded in orbit around the Mun. The only vessel within range was the space tug building the nascent Mun Station I, and it had a whopping 500m/s to begin with. We rescued poor Debice, but I had to get… creative with the remaining delta V to effect a rejoin with the station.

TFRing in a space ship creative.

The crew of OVA 23 RV with the fuel module for the Mun Station. The major fuel tanks have been lifted by a trio of unmanned flights from the KSC. However due to a design oversight Bill Kerman will be required to perform some slight modifications to the arrangement of docking ports. Once the error has been fixed, OVA 23 will be carrying the fuel module to low munar orbit

One day and ~850 Delta V later we’re effecting the RV with Mun Station I. I seem to have a thing for skimming the Munar surface.

The RV

The section towards the top of the screen was the orbital maneuvering stage that lifted one of the three sections that make up the fuel section into orbit. I’ve kept it along for the journey because it’s got a metric butt ton of propellant (maneuvering fuel), and it’s equipped with a much larger set of reaction wheels compared to what is usually found on the Orbiter III class of ship at the bottom. It will need to be disconnected and set aside before docking with the station.

Alignment is good, closing at a sedate .5 m/s.

Bill and another engineer present secure the fuel tanks, and we’ve now got a brand new fuel module. This will help support a longer term initiative to set up long term facilities on the Mun. Mun Station can now stockpile gas, and act as a stopping point for missions too and from the surface. Eventually mining for fuel will take place directly on the Mun, greatly expanding the reach of science expeditions. However that’s all long term.

In the short term, there’s a small scale shuffling of personnel. Debice is bound for Kerbin while Bill will be taking a short tour of duty bolstering the station’s engineering capabilities.


I wonder if I should get back to that game now.
I stopped because of all my mods being incompatible after the 1.2 to 1.3 version change. Perhaps I can rescue my 1.2 savegame and continue from there…

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@near_blind, Creative? Or Campaign?

That sky textures mod is so purty, is that Scatterer?

What part mods do you run?

splain pls

Real world aircraft design involves a lot of precise (and some not so precise*) tweaks and adjustments to get desirable flight characteristics. Kerbal’s “lego block” style builder can lead to some difficulties in making a good aircraft in game. I know Ferram Aerospace improves the aerodynamic model and gives you aerodynamic coefficient plots in the builder- if you want to be a bit more elegant you could give that a try.

*** Not so precise story: Ever notice the little flat plates just beneath the engine on the rear-half of the F-16? Those aren’t aerofoils. They’re literally flat plates. When testing the YF-16 they realized the plane was just a little too finicky in the yaw axis so they welded two metal slabs to a well-picked location beneath the plane. Problem solved!

EDIT: Grumble. I just replied to a post from May 2015.


Kerbal Inventory System (and/or Kerbal Attachment System) allows engineers to use a too to move components (take them off and put them back on again) of your ship around. So maybe a ship reconfiguration/design change is needed.

Had the urge to play this again recently, i’m just afraid i will get sucked in and lose a whole bunch of hours along the way :smiley:

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I YET LIVE… but yes I had a look at that mod a while back and had a wee go at building some new aircraft, though I can not recall the results.

Damnit. I was gonna leave him hanging until after work then bust his chops for casting aspersions on my mod list the other night.

Ya ruined it fridge!


You mean these 2 fins on both side of the arrestor hook?


That’s the rumor!

On the other hand, this is apparently the YF-16’s first flight:

And you can clearly see them… so perhaps my source wasn’t as reliable as I originally thought.

I still cast my aspersions on all ye heathens what seek to sap and impurify the sanctity of the KSP. Modifcations are the most monstrously conceived and dangerous Filthy Casual Gamer plot we have ever had to face. Have you ever seen a Filthy Casual Gamer drink a glass of water? Mountain Dew, that’s what they drink. Never water. Only modified water.

We should def have a deeper discussion on the pros and cons of playing with mods. I find a lot of them dilute the whole reason why I chose to play these types of sims/games, so installing them defeats the point of why I play. That doesn’t mean that ALL mods are bad, but I am definitely very cynical about what mods I’ll use. The list of mods you shared the other night seemed pretty interesting, overall, so I’d like to learn more. The Scatter mod looks great, etc.

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I have a very dry, boring, philosophical and personal opposition to installing weapons mods to KSP which revolves something around my overly-idealistic views of space exploration and collaboration, but that’s just me.


I like mods that make the game a bit more realistic.
That often means “harder” (not always, some things are actually harder in KSP than in real life) but there are mods that also add more realistic solutions for those more realistic problems.

(all examples from my list above, so may include mods that don’t exist anymore or were updated)

Examples for mods I use that fit into that category:
[+] RealChute
[+] RemoteTech
[+] Adjustable_Landing_Gear-v1.1.0b
[+] Navball_Docking_Alignment_Indicator-6
[+] PreciseNode-1.1.3
[+] LandingHeight14
[+] Transfer Window Planner
[+] USI-LS
[+] KerbalAlarmClock
[+] Ferram_Aerospace_Research-v0.15.2_Ferri
[+] InfernalRobotics
[+] KAS_v0.5.1
[+] Kerbal Engineer Redux
[+] Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement
[+] KerbalSmartParts
[+] KIS_v1.1.4

The other category of mods I like are mods that improve immersion
[+] Chatterer
[+] Collision_FX-3.2
[+] Scatterer

The third category is those that add variety. All contract pack mods apply here, as well as some part mods like KAS and KIS

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How you get out of the well deck on the Khe Sanh…

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Next March-In I’ll just set aside a slot for Beach to HALO* into the AO.

parachute not included

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