Khamsin Studios T-6 Texan wont show

I’ve been trying to get this freeware aircraft to work in X-Plane 11.5 for a while. When I place it into the Aircraft folder, it simply doesnt show up. All other aircraft do.

Any tips or tricks? Thanks in advance!

Merry Christmas

I can give it a look yesterday tomorrow :), I think I have it in my AC folder

I did too, but it wouldnt register in the list of aircraft. Looking forward to hearing what you find.

I had there v11.41g and it was visible in menu no prob.

So I downloaded the latest 11.41i and unpacked it to AC folder as always and it is also visible inmenu under ‘Military’.

Try to check also that ‘Show extra aircraft from old versions’ checkbox. Maybe you have it in that other folder.

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