Do you need custom models for anything? I could whip up some simple things in Blender 3D if that is supported by X-plane.
Very kind of you to offer. I don’t think I need anything - simply because there are so many object libraries out there that pretty much everything can be found. But as I get further along - I might find a thing or two I need. The main two things I’m probably going to have a hard time figuring out are if it is even possible to get an IFLOLS working on the ground…and I’d still love actual arresting cables. But those are definitely no easy matter (beyond my capability)…but the X-Plane modders are always doing cool stuff…so who knows…
Decided to take the Carenado Push-Me/Pull-Me out for some flying around KMUD tonight. Winds are really kicking up over the lake tonight (and turbulence). Kingman, AZ (the nearest actual weather station) is showing winds at 240° at 12 gusts to 22…
Trying out the dirt runway…shoot…all that dust is blowing right over onto the ramp and our buildings!
In the left closed traffic pattern for the STOL runway…
With a stiff breeze blowing…we don’t even use up half of the 4,000 runway…
Alright…enough screwing around. Back to building the airport in WED…
I humbly recommend the pilots bar be christened “The Zone of Truculence”
This can be made to happen…!
I finally figured out how to install VASI lights. They are objects you can place…but you can’t use the OBJECT button, you have to use the LIGHTING one…which led to many failed attempts. I moved the installation around until it synched up with the 3.0 ILS glidepath for runway 18.
Using the default Cessna 172 to flight test with…
On the LOC and GS - showing red over white…just what we want…(now that I think of it…I might want to install a 3-bar VASI due to the larger aircraft I’ll be flying…hmm…)
The local map plot showing the aircraft on the LOC and glidepath…
After a hard day of "WED"ing…decided to test out the water landing area we have set out in Red Lake (yay Global Warming…fill er’ up!)…
I still haven’t tackled or found a solution to the lack of a seaplane ramp. I’m getting there though…the airplane sorta just “kerthunks” off the edge of the terrain and sometimes survives…
Heading out into the takeoff area…I’m not sold on those default marker buoys…they look big enough to sink the Titanic…I’ll probably replace them with something a bit less obnoxious…
Coming back around for a landing on the 10,000’ runway 18…
Hmm…I’m gonna need to install a DirecTV dish somewhere on the property…I’d love to watch some Olympics tonight…
How do you like the Albatross? I was looking at picking up either that one, or the older Catalina.
The Albatross is nice. Not totally cutting edge (like PMDG) modeling on the interior…but very, very nice. Great graphics and very smooth animations. It has a lot of cool menu features too… Personally, I’d pick it up on sale and not full price (I usually pick up all my stuff on sale)…
Apparently a rare photo of the real Red Lake with actual water in it (on it)…
What it normally looks like:
Good question - I haven’t tried removing the Arizona scenery. Let me give it a whirl. I suspect that it will end up just making the desert area look a bit more bland. It may keep the water in the lake…but not sure. I’ll post a pic up in a bit…
I am looking forward to the results!
So if you don’t have the “objects” libraries installed (meaning stuff like OpenSceneryX and similar object libraries) - you are obviously only going to get the raw airport data. Which means it would just be 3 generic parallel runways in and among the cactus. Here it is with both the X-Aviation AZ scenery AND the AlpilotX HD scenery removed - so this is what it would look like if you put KMUD into a stock X-Plane install with no add on scenery libraries or textures. It does appear the base data depicts the lake as an actual dry lake (accurately). You’ll also see vegetation all over the airfield because I guess without the overlay data the “exceptions” that I created that build a perimeter around the airfield don’t work (?)…
This is what the scenery looks like if you have the object libraries installed + AlpilotX’s HD mesh installed:
So it would appear that X-Aviation’s AZ scenery is the one that actually adds water to the lake…and massively improves the textures…
Here is a good representative shot - this is the border between Arizona and Nevada - where the X-Aviation ortho scenery ends and the “regular” AlpilotX HD scenery shows up. If X-Aviation did a texture map of the whole US, I’d buy it. Now…it is ortho though…so it shows buildings and parking lots as “painted on” textures…so without some sort of autogen you lose that feeling of realism as you get really low over cities unless you have some sort of autogen working for you.
Neat! And with the dry lake we can now also try for landspeed records!
We have you covered!
Looks awesome, Beach. Not sure its a great idea building it on an area that almost needs a payware piece to make it look the way its supposed to, but I
ll leave that to you. It definitely looks awesome though.
edit: I have no idea why the text is messed like it is… I didn`t consciously do anything…
I think there will be two versions in the end - one that can be used with the X-Aviation scenery and one without. The only change necessary would be the removal of the seaplane base for the non X-Aviation version.