Liquid Water Flows on Mars

Here’s a nice timelapse to show what they mean:

Plus an animation of the seasonal flows. Salty stuff:

I’m sitting here watching water flow on Mars while in a meeting. The internet isn’t all bad… :smile:


Some op-ed stuff for more info:

"NASA and the Curiosity team could decide to approach the streaks without driving onto them, or to simply observe from a distance. The rover still has at least several months of driving before it would pass them.

“These are ongoing conversations,” said Catharine A. Conley, NASA’s planetary protection officer, who coordinates the efforts to minimize the chances of life inadvertently crossing the solar system."

Ok, coolest job title of the day right there ‘Catharine A. Conley, NASA’s planetary protection officer’.

Until tomorrow when you start getting spam about buying beach front timeshare properties on Mars :wink:

Hope this gets us closer to a manned mission to Mars though…

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I’d appreciate if they did do it in my lifetime, so I could watch the landing in a meeting on my iPhone XVIII VR contact lens. Over the next couple of years the Falcon 9 success (or not) might be a part of driving that too.

Maybe they should sponsor it as a movie, get Matt Damon to livecast the movie ‘The Martian 2’ premier from the landing site. :smile:

PS Anyone seeing ‘The Martian’ movie? The book is a very enjoyable read (short though), and pretty much reads like a screenplay anyway.

Somewhere, somehow…some company is sitting in a boiler room trying to figure out a way to monetize this discovery. (So…we send a SpaceX…drill, collect the water, return it to Los Angeles, and sell it!)…

If that was oil, we would be there tomorrow…:wink:

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Awesome news. Chances for life on Mars suddenly got better.

Isn’t water in space basically the equivalent? (Can’t it be used for fuel? My grasp on rocketry is fleeting…I know you need an oxidizer (O)…but you probably need something else too…is that the H part of H2O?) LOL…

Paging @EinsteinEP


Normally I would say its not rocket science but in this case…LOL!!!

The discovery is really a life sciences one, as we’ve known for a while water is on mars just by seeing the ice at the poles. Water vapor has also been previously detected in the atmosphere in landers, but the atmosphere is so thin…

The big news here was that despite the near-vacuum like conditions, liquid water (well, a heavy brine) flows on the surface. Previously we had only seen solid->gas for H2O on Mars (ice and vapor). For life to develop, or have developed but maybe now gone as Mar’s atmosphere thinned, then the liquid state of water is the vital bit. All life on Earth came via liquid water.

Plus, yes, H2O can be cracked to get Hydrogen for fueling things.

That’s my take anyway.

To show what I mean, here’s a nice Mars water ice crater pic from 2005. Beautiful!

Source and more info here:

EDIT: Hmm, I wonder, this would get some Canadian Mars Mission money going for sure…

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Can we send the Leafs there?

Wasn’t it always GM/Rogers Place that got accused for having a ‘lack of atmosphere’ though? :smile:

True, maybe the tickets would be cheaper on Mars :slight_smile:

What is that? Some sort of ice soccer field? Interesting…

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Like Soccer, but with more goals and less teeth. :smile:

I believe Nestle is on it.

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