Live Chat Channel

Added a ‘Who’s in the Room With Me’ panel on the right so people can see if they are talking to themselves or not. At this rate we’re only five more years away from completely reinventing IRC.

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Chat broke on the last update so I disabled it. Hence the lack of icon on top. If it becomes stable again we’ll look at adding it back. :frowning:

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Not trying to sound bitter or anything, but chat in its last incarnation was essentially dead. Is there really any point in bringing it back?

Well, more if it could work like it used to, as in a pop-over window up top. When that broke and we moved to full page, people rarely visited. The guy that did the plugin has sort of lost interest, but I’ll keep a weather eye out in-case it does get fixed up to how it originally was. The underlying issue is that the main forum software is still under pretty active development, and that causes the various plugins (depending on how complicated they are) to break. The Discourse guys don’t really do ‘backward compatibility’, especially in the area of the chat plugin, as they believe it shouldn’t be using the underlying forum to make it work (and they could be right).


Either way it’s not the end of the world. Thanks for all the footwork!


I will say that I do miss the old chat. It was simply fun.

The full page one was meh.


Any extra medium for me to post wantings of an f111 in a combat sim (cough DCS cough) will be welcomed

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Ok Live Chat has been fixed up a bit more. Press this up on the top right:


This should play better with mobile as well. It sort of slides in on the left sidebar, and can be expanded out to be bigger if needed. To resize the chat, grab the bottom right area:


Anyway, as some people liked the chat before I thought it worth trying out again. Usual rules/code of conduct exists for the chats the same as the forum, so basically just be nice to everyone. If you’re not logged in or are a brand new user then you don’t get to see it, just to save spam/denial of service sanity.


Cool…for some reason I can’t see where to hit ENTER or send my chat. I think that button is buried under a toolbar maybe?

Nevermind…hitting RETURN enters the text…! Stupid me…

Oh, forgot about the themes - I see you using the Darker one but the chat is sort of color-agnostic so far. I can fix that up.

LOL…yeah, I’m using the Dark theme - so the grey-ish text is washed out on the white. I gotta be all stealthy in the middle of the night and all… :crescent_moon:

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