So I would like an A320 for FSX or xplane. I have been looking at aerosoft Airbus bundlefor FSX and the A320 by Pete Hagar for Xplane. Both products are 60 to 70 USD. However the Airbus bundle gives me the 318, 319, 320, and 321. Where as the Hagar is just one A320.
Figured I would see what you guys thought was the best A320 to go with. What I am looking for is realistic system modeling and a good flight package.
If I had to choose right now - I’d say the Aerosoft Airbus Bundle is the way to go. Love that Baby Bus (A318) and I think graphics-wise the Aerosoft bundle is superior. I can’t say I’ve tried Pete Hagar’s product for X-Plane yet though…so flight dynamics-wise, I might be swayed by that. I just don’t know how he handles the fly-by-wire aspect (if you point the nose…does it stay there?)… Typically, I like X-Plane flight physics better, but the depth of systems modeling of the Aerosoft Airbus is very good.
Just out of curiosity how does fsx ATC work with the aerosoft products. Mainly interested in sids and stars. I know x plane ATC is horrible to the point were I only use it to taxi out to the runway then cancel my ifr once airborne.