MAD AAR - pics, tales of adventure and lessons learned!

Yeah the Comanche is such a beautiful aircraft! I am using the A2A version in P3D. I am really enjoying using it in the PNW it has a reasuring amount of power which is great for those missed approaches!

Thatā€™s weird. The dialogue bottom left says it expires 430 amā€¦ Why it even let you fly the job given your current time according to the ticker on the bottom is beyond me. It shouldā€™ve been failed before you loaded.

I doubt that my poor performance will not affect the VA one percent.

Iā€™m still not clear on what clock itā€™s actually synced to and if you fly in network or native mode, how adjusting the time in the sim affects job time.

Just Flight did such a great job on the weathering of that panelā€¦gorgeousā€¦

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Yeah, the sounds are good too. I have about half of my time in an Arrow, and it feels, sounds, and performs just like what I remember. The fuel pump for instance, something that you switch on/off a few times on every flight, sounds like it was recorded from an Arrow or similar aircraft.

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All va times are UTC. The ticker at the bottom is UTC. When jobs are transferred to the VA, their times should be UTC as well, but Iā€™m not positive thatā€™s what happens.


The colors in your screen shots are great. Are you using 1150 or 1141?

11.41, but Iā€™m applying an Adobe LightRoom preset that I made for DiRT Rally. If you use LightRoom, I could share the preset. TBH, it seems a little too sharp.

Ahh, thanks. I donā€™t have LR. I just use xVision. Not sure about sharpness, but the vibrant colors I got look similar to yours. Using 11.50 for ah2, hoping the higher fps would help vr. But the color is so dreadfulā€¦

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The REP race is onā€¦LOLā€¦

Currently sitting at 22 overall rep. All of my flying is Cargo, no Pax rep. Seems like a long haul to 40!

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Cargo rep is almost 24? Rest is 20. Other than the average out amount. Standard starting stuff.

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After little waiting at KBFF some suitable job to KRKS Rock Springs appeared.
Seems like I am resuming on the air mail track.

But first things first dear passengers. We need to wait for the Wyoming orthos conversion :slight_smile:


Found the Southwest Airlines fanā€¦!

OMG - Carl Icahn is in the house! Errā€¦no waitā€¦ @Sine_Nomineā€™s airline is actually MAKING moneyā€¦ :rofl:

You mean flying under AI they do not accumulate?

Great breakdown!

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Well, the AI respect the laws. Maybe the dogs you hired to bite the pilots if they touch anything are doing their jobs.



Great info Cygon_Parrot. I am starting to have clear picture about AirHauler, if that is possible.
Once I ferry this little 206 to the West coast I am thinking about starting my AirHauler career.

Fun fact. Just now I checked home base of this little fella I am flying and it is WA78 Sky River Ranch and I picked it up at Kansas City. Far from home :slight_smile:

Btw Sky River Ranch is not that far from KEAT.


Some of you may remember Star Trek. (If you do, you will likely be dead within 30 years!) It is the first computer game I ever played.


[EDIT]. Old brain. It wasnā€™t Star Trek. It was a knock-off for the TRS-80 that had a trading element. In ā€˜Star Trekā€™ there was only combat. The whole point of my musing in public is ruined by the wrong analogy :scream:

Every once in awhile I find myself playing a game that has me hauling stuff for profit (or loss) and it reminds me of that first experience. For years I have watched you guys discuss Air Hauler and FSEconomy and I simply could not see the appeal. It sounded like Elite Dangerous without the interesting bits. Then I later realized, after growing bored with Elite, that it wasnā€™t the combat that was interesting (although sometimes it certainly was), it was the trading*. There is something about making an economy work to your benefit that seems to pop off a little endorphin hit even when the money is not real. Now I understand the appeal. Earlier today I was flying a rented Bell 412 out of Jackson Hole to a nearby gravel strip with 4 passengers. Because of the high density altitude I was burning fuel faster than I had planned. I needed the gas to get back or I would be paying substantial penalties to the owner. I was actually sweating this a little. That plus the real risk of a blue screen (see another thread) had me on real pins and needles for the entire short flight. When I got there and was able to kick my pax out of the Bell I was really happy.

Stupid. A 51 year old man is happy because a little screen told him his flight was a success.

*(some would say ā€˜explorationā€™ but I found that repetitive.)


Hahaā€¦yeahā€¦I think my first exposure to ā€œresource gamesā€ might have been the original 1984 version of Elite. It tickled that explorer/entrepreneur itch I had as a young manā€¦

I think my first real aviation related game along the same lines would have been Solo Flight for the C64 by Microproseā€¦LOLā€¦


Mine was Flight Simulator for the Atari 2400. It looked about the same.

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If I could make a living doing this kind of flying with a similar schedule to mineā€¦Iā€™d do it in a heartbeatā€¦


Us poor DOS guys had this, Strike Eagle (1), in FOUR magnificent colors, circa 1985:

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