MAD AAR - pics, tales of adventure and lessons learned!

So I’m a noob here on Mudspike but spent plenty of time in the past on Microsoft flight sims (and more). Plenty rusty after a 10-15 year layoff but starting to get the itch again. I’m loving this MAD VA stuff, especially since you’re in my ACTUAL stomping grounds.

Be sure to give me a wing wag if you get to KSFF, on approach to 22R & 22L at about 3 miles out, and if you make it up to KDEW, I’ll put in a good word for you with my Brother as well on the ramp. :sunglasses:

Guess I need to get some updated gear and check into some sim flying again.


Love that someone is looking for a Kodiak! That Quest Kodiak is my dream lotto buy (on amphib floats of course). It’s factory is up in Sandpoint Idaho and they are into KSFF all the time. They have a Turbine Training Center on the field so I’ve been watching them since they started up. Such a great rig.


So swinging through Lewiston to pick up some Fine China netted me $4,162 in commodities trading back at Pullman - definitely worth the stop!

Good night of flying…3 REP legs for a total of 1.0 REP taking me to 24.00 - 40 seems a long way off…but what are you going to do? :man_shrugging:

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Ok, this commodity trading is insanely profitable!! I just wish it added to rep but going to start flying some cargo jobs myself as you earn around 1 rep per trip vs 0.2 if AI flying.

I have assigned my Comanche in the UK to my AI pilot Sophie. I have had her fly the Comanche to an airport and then within the overview map I have bought commodities and loaded them in the aircraft. Requested that she flies the aircraft to an airport with the best profit and then sold there. The profits I am seeing in the UK are ridiculous, I desperately need to get a bigger aircraft for her to fly.

I have also noticed that I am getting discounts and bonuses on the prices which I haven’t noticed with my aircraft in the US.

But just to repeat, the profits are crazy. £30 per lb carried?! I have her on a trip now to sell beef and then load up with watches for £66 per lb!



watches profit


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Same prices AND same stock levels. This will be really handy to give people tips on routes then.

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Good morning ladies and gentlemen. We are enroute KBVS > KEPH with 875 lbs of not too smelly shrimp. Squawking one two double-zero and making 125 kts GS. Level at 8k and have just switched to the right tank. Loving the Arrow 3. CAD might have to pick up a turbo version once we quali for a loan.

As you can see, it’s quite hazy but should be clearing as we move east and it burns off.

BTW, if you are heading to Ephrata, WA, there is a nice update (KEPH) in the Scenery Gateway.

PS: I flew this job for CAD, but will book a return job for MAD.


I have been doing so many short flights that the menus within the A2A Comanche are getting tedious grabbing my keyboard so I have added the loading, checklist, hanger, walk around, view keys and ATC to my stream deck (usually reserved for the DCS aircraft). I have also added program starts to the previous menu so that I can just open all the apps one after the other.


I’m off to KDEW with a stop in Felts Field to drop some medicine commodities. Another blue bird day in eastern WA…

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AH2 supports using custom weather, right? :). I don’t think real weather is going to be conducive to flying this route in my C172 today :P.

Yup, weather getting nasty here in Washington so make sure you are flight planning carefully. Just got done battening down the hatches so we shall see how it goes.

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Really? I did 2 flights about 40 mins ago and there was hardly even turbulence. Though some clouds at 6800 came in as I was ending last flight. Eastern Washington though.

Using asxp.

The weather was stormy. But I went for a job anyways… Trying to make a living… and stupid. My little C172 was like a leave in the wind when trying to land. At some point, I was wondering if it had turned into a helicopter, feeling like being pushed back, or just blown sideways and up and down as if weightless. Was smashed down by the runway. Surprised that XP seemed to show some damage model -

I’ve crashed much harder in other aircraft than this, but the airframes always seemed intact. Guess LR really put in some work on the C172. AH2 gave a “Hard” rating of the landing, if I can call it so. The VS was 530fpm. I thought well that’s it for my short career. Not sure if I the pilot would be considered “permanently retired” due to some serious injury, if not dead already - not to mention the total loss of the plane and the cargo. Well, I can’t express how grateful I felt when my C172’s condition was shown as 87%, and would cost “only” $4700 to fully repair. I forgive you, AH2, for costing me $10k to repair my suddenly defunct avionics the other day.

Apparently, the job was considered completed, and I earned one REP. Ironically, there was another job I started before the expiration time, but delivered a few minutes past the deadline. It was considered a failure. I didn’t get paid and lost one REP. Lesson learned - if you don’t think you’d be able to deliver in time, just cancel the job (or not fly it at all, I guess), which would cost you only 0.5 REP. You’d be better off by 0.5 REP, and not have wasted time and fuel.

PS - just saw the last 2 posts about weather. This was at KHRI on Oregon side just passed Columbia River. I didn’t use any addon. Just XP real time weather.


Funny about the weather. I took a 2-hop Bell 412 job out of Jackson Hole, WY heading west. First leg the weather was beautiful. During the second leg I coupled up the autopilot and began reading this thread. “What are those guy talking about? The weather’s perfect!” I looked at my screen and, “Well, sure ee-nuff!” I could see that clouds and a lower layer of light fog were developing on the other side of the next ridge. Mind you, I was only flying 156nm. By the time I landed at a small private strip in Idaho just a few minutes later, it had dropped down to maybe 6-7 miles visibility in light rain. X-Plane manages weather transitions very realistically.

(You might be asking, “What sort of pilot doesn’t check the weather before flying in the mountains?” This sort of pilot, that’s who!)


Yeah…lots of moisture pumping up from the south right now…

Doing a Pullman to Kalispell run today with a stop in Missoula with some commodities. I’m trying to combine mission REP runs with commodity runs that are somewhat believable in order to both make money and REP…

Ooph…climbing through 6K out of Pullman I just hit some wicked turbulence, but then it died off a bit. Wonder if Active Sky does shear levels…

EDIT - Hmm…yeah, 0C here at 7K…will definitely not be able to leave the plane unattended.

Looks like I have a T-Route (GNSS route) over to Missoula…the GNSS MEA is 9,800’ so I’ll head up to 11,000’ for the flight over…so I’ll definitely be in the clouds at -C temperatures…

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Found ragged tops at 10K on my way to 11K…mostly clear of clouds here but sometimes in and out. So far the airspeed indicator is working, so maybe I’m not picking up any ice…

There is the reason for the high MSAs west of Missoula…

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It will be the RNAV 12 today into Missoula…


Like the look of that GPS. Not a huge fan so far of the x-plane g1000

Weather breaking up a bit toward Missoula…might even get a visual…!

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