Decided that I had to move on from the 172SP. It just can’t handle I need and I am not getting any jobs to remote airfields (I may have the options set wrong in that). So I set the 172SP up for a PAX flight with an AI pilot from KEAT to KPUW on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to see if that can at least break even.
For me, I went ahead and pulled in a bank loan. I really want to just jump to the Kodiak but I am going to be patient and move into a Cessna T210M Centurion II. It gives me an available cargo capacity of 954 lbs (with full fuel) and that should be plenty for the Washington/Idaho area but I may be looking at an Oregon scenery purchase if it doesn’t break my hard-drive budget
Slowly slowly inching towards being able to afford a second c172. It’ll be a while before I get enough cash to get something bigger, and that 40 rep is a massive amount of flights away. All in good time!
If you aren’t getting small airfield jobs, change your sliders. That is definitely one of them.
Yeah - that 210 will haul some stuff for sure. I’m settled in pretty well with the Husky for a bit - the Cessna 185 might be next if I can ever get to that point. I’m splitting my flying about 70/30 with MAC and MAD. I have to do the MAC flights to get the REP. I might need to throw in some commodity runs just to keep the cash flow trending in the right direction. The Husky only makes about 3-4K per mission if I’m lucky.
Great choice. I sold the Skyhawk and bought an Arrow right away. 20+ knots more cruise makes a big difference IMO. C210 is an awesome airplane. My friend’s dad was head of Georgia DOT aviation and they gave him a 210 to fly around and check out airports. He was an ex B-52 driver so was very happy with his retirement gig.
I have been flying between there and Ephrata, 10nm trip shipping bluray players one way and shoes the other for between £15-£17 profit per lb, I have been filling the Comanche to breaking point haha
I have also bought 80T (Quincy municple, washington) which is in the general vicinity of those two airports and also KEAT. It was £15k and monthly overheads are only £1,700 so perfect for my first us base near the VA action and it will hopefully generate alot of jobs in the area. My other base is Gloucester airport in England EGBJ.
See ya on the RADAR. I’m enroute KEAT…KWYS (W.Yellowstone); having not live out west for a few years now I’d forgotten how lumpy that area is. Gotta full load of “important papers”. Paper is heavy.
EDIT: Seems the Twin Beech can haul about the same load as my pickup truck. Interesting. Only faster. And the Beech gets better gas mileage
Heading to Pine Valley (OR70) in the Husky. This is actually a double load, I have some items for 25U as well (I might be a 100 lbs. over MTOW…shhh!). Also a return flight from 25U, so a nice 3-trip route (better for REP than money)…
Pine Valley looks interesting - you drop in over some 8-9K mountains and the field sits at 2,577’ with what looks to be rising terrain in every direction…a bit of a bowl.
Knocking down a triple run actually…hopped over to Baker City to pick up some stuff that needs to end up in Pullman anyway…so why not…only 30 miles out of the way.
Dropping in to Memaloose (25U) one more time. Turbulence picks up again once you leave there and head north. Going to stop in Lewiston to pick up some commodities to trade over at Pullman…