MAD AAR - pics, tales of adventure and lessons learned!

Caution. 6S5 looks an awful lot like 65S :rofl:

I did not actually fly a trip to the wrong airport…but I did start to research the wrong one on Skyvector and thought it odd that one was close to the Canada border.


10 out of 9 pilots are dyslexic. :thinking:


Cool. Yeah…I think our 172 is cargo only…so I think you are flying that in the C-47?

And atheists two! (Because we don’t believe in dogs.)


Cloud Art - Scenery Enhancement Packs - X-Plane.Org Forum :slight_smile:

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Long Round-Robin, KEAT…KWYS (West Yellowstone). Side trips to check out potential new bases for me and ‘Bubba’ (my new hire).

VMC KEAT…KWYS. Was butt-ugly with default scenery so nothing to see here.

Just a little chip-shot over to KSUN (Sun Valley, ID). As mentioned previously WAY over-priced. The first clue was the Limo that arrived just as I was pulling up (nice touch by whoever made this scenery). I actually thought it was for me. The Paparazzi didn’t show up so guess it wasn’t :slightly_frowning_face:

Then down to KTWF (Twin Falls, Id). Nice place. Comfy. Has all the stuff to support a new base (shout-out to @BeachAV8R for the tip). Threw some money at them and viola, new base going up. Should be good location for -172 Bush; lot of lumpy terrain all around within a reasonable distance.

Back to KEAT with the Twin Beech. SkyVector gave me some SA on the WX. Went IFR due to that junk in between. And yes, I did in fact get iced up where it said I would. Started throwing switches and bending levers and it all worked out.

That Twin Beech (TB) is a Horse! Really is just like my pickup truck; same cargo capacity (close enough), faster and better mileage! Something like a 1/2 tank of gas for the round trip (~750 nautical).

PS: The TB is really stable. Or at least if feels that way. The book I’m reading about it lauds this feature too. Getting the hang of that darn tail-wheel, at least taxing. No ground loops on the taxiway last couple of goes. Rolling out however is still a little iffy. If anyone has experience in this: I assume I want the Tailwheel locked on landing, right? Scares me to even think about it being in ‘caster’ mode when the tail touches down :fearful:


Just under the clouds yesterday. Had to dip lower as I moved on as that layer descended.

Anyone know where the state line is? I’m not sure.


Grabbed a job from KEAT out to Gray AAF (KGRF) out toward Seattle and the coast - Beef for about $8+k.

Looking good on takeoff and climbout:

Then a little dangerous over the mountains!

But I was able to get blow the clouds with an IFR following. A bit of a bouncer on the landing but the first touch down was enough to get an ok rating. :slight_smile:

Once at Gray AAF, I found a job transporting Cosmetics down to KTMK for $12K+. This time (a day later, ie: today), I was skirting in and out of the base cloud layer as I worked toward the coast.

I was in the soup when I started my descent. This time I had the GTN750 enabled and decided that it might be a good time to turn on the terrain map. Very glad that I did because I was descending down toward a range of peaks. Would have been a CFIT if I had not done this and diverted out to the coast!

But I found my airport and dropped of the cargo.

Then I decided on a quick reposition to Portland (KPDX) where I could pick up an nice cargo of e-cigarettes for the return trip to KEAT - $5k, but it is only 361 lbs which means that I have cargo to spare and just need to take a look at the commodities market for something nice to fill out the load :slight_smile:

I guess the Southwest Airlines decided to take everyone golfing?


Not much showing up here at first glance (assuming that I am using this thing correctly :-)). Clicked on KPDX and used the arrow keys to move through the commodities. I guess shoes to Yakima for $13 revenue per pound is the best that I can do. It doesn’t seem that KEAT is accepting anything?

I guess I could unload the Shoes at Yakima, pick up Coffee, drop off the Job at Keat and move on the deliver the coffee.

Nice - yeah…that GTN is fantastic for overall terrain awareness.

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On and out and back to Ravalli County (6S5), Montana - about 40 miles south of Missoula. You drop over the Bitterroot Mountain Range on the Idaho/Montana border and you go from 10,000’ to 3,600’ or so in just 7 or 8 miles. Of course, coming back out with a load, you either have to climb north or soundbound to get high enough to head west…or if it is VFR you can pick a valley to fly up (carefully)…

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Oooph…99 knot ground speed heading back west toward Pullman…

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I mean… You aren’t gonna go MUCH faster in a 172… Lol

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Is that default Montana scenery? If not, did you Ortho4Xp-it? Thanks. I’m slowly adding this stuff in but Forkboy2 doesn’t have Montana.

Yeah…I set my computer to building Montana one night. Took about 19 hours I think. It looks pretty good, but it does have a few cloud artifacts on some of the generated tiles…but honestly it looks like little snow fields. Overall definitely worth it.

Another day, another dollar…or at least…another quest for REP. Running some cargo on a round trip to KDEW (Deer Park) then back down to Pullman and then I think I’ll make a run back over to KEAT and see how much bird poop is on my car. Living on @Rhinosaurus’s couch in Pullman has been great and all…but I’d like to sleep in my own bed tonight. :rofl:


I love that you are embracing the roleplay haha

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Lack of imagination has never been one of Beach’s shortcomings. :sunglasses:



Dropping in to Chewelah (1S9) to pick up a load of fertilizer. That might get me on a watch list.

Departing Chewelah for Pullman…two loads onboard, one out of Chewelah and one out of Deer Park. Farming that REP…


We really are lucky the weather has been so good for so long up in the PNW. Some of these flights would have been hard to impossible given that a lot of these locations don’t have instrument approaches.