MAD AH2 - Company aircraft purchase!

You know…I think I will do that. I hate “easy” so why not go normal and use the cash to start the lease? Thanks for the inspiration!

Is it possible to delete a company and restart?

Yes. I did this yesterday. Cuzz I thought an AH error would be resolved. Not true, it was AH and a patch sent out today.

I did start anew with same name/handle (and company name) and AH still held an association with the VA. Which was nice.

I also started a dummy test company after my initial company (which I signed up to the Mudspike VA with) wasn’t working and I’d already sold the standard C172…I wanted to try the default plane to make sure the issue wasn’t my imported aircraft.

You can have multiple companies and you just choose the one you want to play with when you fire up AH2.

I think…but don’t quote me…that you can only have one Air Hauler VA pilot per e-mail. I could have misread that though…

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The only thing I’ve read is that we need to be careful with the specific planes. If they get type rated as XP planes, then FSX/P3D fliers can’t use them. I think I read that.

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HOW do you delete a company or pilot? The only sellable, deletable things I see in AH are planes, bases and VAs.

When you start up, a window comes up where you select which company you fly with. The options are - load company, new company or delete.


So do you think (if we end up going with it) the Carenado Cessna 185 has a version for X-Plane and P3D - you think we’d have any problems with that? When I last glanced at the poll the 185 was doing pretty well…

Correct…right here @smokinhole

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It looks like we are almost in a dead heat between the 172 Bush, Cessna 206, and Cessna 185.

So I’m wondering what will happen if we pick a payware airplane:

I hoping jobs will then be generated for the company.

Will those jobs be able to be selected by MAD pilots that DO NOT have the payware airplane?

If that is the case, I’ll feel better about picking a payware plane…because I don’t want anyone to be excluded.

Aircraft that are in the marketplace as used…I wonder what the story is on the ones that are sitting at like 50% or so (damage). Do people crash them and then can’t afford to get them flying again or something? The two Cessna 185s on the used market are in Egypt and Indonesia…that would be an interesting ferry flight. There is a Cessna 207 for 244K sitting at 59% health though in Illinois. Considering the 207 is usually 414K new…I still wonder how much it costs to fix them. :thinking:

I thought those used planes were just computer generated…

I need to find where I read that again. Tomorrow.

So though the Cessna 185 and 207 slightly edged out the Bush 172 - I think something @Bearhedge said in another thread made the decision for me:

“I’d say we take it easy, figure out if and how it all works in the XP version first and take it from there…”

We literally are JUST starting…a few days into this. In my opinion, we can savor the experience and it isn’t all about making the dollars. So we are going to go with the free Propstrike Cessna 172 Bush.

Yes, the 185 and 207 can haul more and are definitely easier to fly from the standpoint of having the power to muscle out of tough strips. But what is the fun in that?? :rofl: The 172 Bush will make us fly smarter - take lighter loads, check the airport to see if you can even make it in and out, and know that the performance will be sort of “meh”… Sounds like fun to me.

As soon as I get done my leg to KHRI - I’ll pull the trigger on the Propstrike Cessna 172 - available FREE here:

I hope this decision is OK with the group. At the very least…it should populate trips.


If you want a little gouge on the Cessna 172 Bush…you can read my not-very-scientific flight report on it here:

I think AH2 will just generate jobs appropriate to the cargo capacity of the aircraft with some jobs being a little over and some under etc. So hopefully it will generate jobs of the appropriate size for all of us flying light aircraft at the moment.

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By the way, I’m downloading and installing a clean version of the Propstrike Cessna 172 in order to make sure I’m not using a modified file…just to make sure AH2 doesn’t create an issue with others that are going to use the plane. Fingers crossed anyway…

We have an airplane gentlemen…



Do we need to do a type rating in the Bush Skyhawk? I don’t see an option for that…

And another stupid question. If I’m away from wherever the plane is (it is currently in KEAT) - do I have to be there too in order to fly it for the company?