McRoberston Air Race anyone?

Awesome…sorry reading on mobile and must have missed that scrolling! :+1:t2:

No worries :+1:

Looks like a fun route…! I’m putting a paint job on my plane now!

What are you guys flying? I’m torn between using the VSkyLab’s DC3 or the Alabao Beechcraft Staggerwing. I also have JU52 from that era.

It’s called retirement…been at it for 5 years now…(and I’m only 55) :grin:

EDIT: Do we want to do a comparison of Mudespike posts with weekly working hours…sort of a handicap system for those of us who don’t do much beyond read Mudspike and fly sims…and feed the cats. :cat:

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That’s my bird! I’ve asked on the X-Plane forums if there is a way to swap out the NAV radio for an ADF… :loud_sound:

Let me know if you have any luck with that.
I just picked up their Waco. Not a true 1930’s aircraft, but based on the classic open cockpit aircraft of the era… it might be a bit slow for this run though.

After a quick test flight, she only trues out at about 120 Knots. Pretty airplane though.

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I am very interested in participating. but also not sure how much I can complete. Pretty green on both flight and navigation skills. Only done some short VFR. And as Bearhedge mentioned, real life gets in the way. Wish I could commit 80+ hours to complete this in 7 weeks. Nonetheless, seems like a lot of fun. I think I will use the excellent freeware DC-3 by Aeroworx, which seems appropriate both era wise and functionality wise. Gonna use a lot of autopilot and time acceleration of XP11, which hopefully will help.

Questions - so I suppose we can use tools like to do the flight plan? If not, Jenrick has mentioned Google Map was acceptable. But even with that, how do you determine a heading from, say, EGUN to LOWI? Can I limit to daytime flight only? Can I save my flight in the middle of a leg (in the air) and continue a next time?

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I’ll definitely be using SkyVector to create a Nav Log for each leg.

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If there is any interest, and it is something that would genuinely useful for an event like this, then we could rustle something up where each participant could mark their current journey location on a map (via a forum post) here? Example plugin that does this I might be able to bend to our will for here:

There might also be something better out there for flight simmers that does that already, so I just thought I’d throw the idea out there (as may be a bad idea). :slight_smile:


That’d be great to log my ineptitude. I’m already the worst at Sim golf, so can’t wait. :joy:

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That would be great, and maybe something to also use for the Christmas run later this year (it won’t be long before I will start bugging @BeachAV8R for a heads up on the 2019 Christmas destination :smile:)…

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Likewise, I’ll be using SkyVector to create a navigation plan…then perhaps using ONC charts to navigate visually if not by NDB. Might have to find some places to land to ask directions…LOL…

Here is a great link to ONC charts that should cover the whole route:

Ooooh…I like that. Back a few years I used to use Zeemap to some tracking, but I haven’t revisited it in a long time…

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Yep, let me check it out and propose something. I think we could easily add a ‘Fly In’ category, with ‘Add Locations’ enabled on those topics (either an address or lat/long) and then we’d have a nice in-built global map viewer, where it would be easy to see and a fun way to see progress.

The thing I’m trying to work out now is how best to use it ‘per event’ so we can use it each time there is a global fly-in like journey. I’ll propose something in #meta if I can work it out.

That would be cool…and it would get multiple uses since we have the annual Christmas Flight that it could also be used for. :+1:

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Map for the start area:


Taking her for a spin around Mildenhall to get the oil flowing…still not sure if I’ve settled on this one…but the sounds of that engine are lovely!


Very nice! It’s a nice little airplane to fly. Reasonably quick too.

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Wait, did you add mudspike logo to the paint?

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