Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

New update and Alpha Test signup is live.

I threw new clips from insider area into this video:


Very nice…
I wonder how many 2080ti in parallel I need for that graphical quality! :slight_smile:

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You know that this eventually has to run on XBOX One. I think the optimization will be their top priority. And with the new/improved ESP engine it may actually happen.

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Dude, I so hope it’s going to be really like this…

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I love how it raises the bar for delivering good weather effects right out of the box.


Currently it looks like most features (if not all) will be great out of the box. May get some 3rd party devs sad, but at least the consumer will be happy.

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The visuals are certainly stunning. I hope they will use this fresh start to iron out the long standing issues that each FS version kept dragging along.

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All in all, and I realise how silly it is, I feel much better about this game after watching that video…

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Dunno, I can’t make much of that vid apart from the admittedly gorgeous visuals and weather depiction. I can’t even tell if the weather is canned or not.

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All I can say is :flushed::astonished::sob:

I hope the final release lives up to this :crossed_fingers:

Seems like the weather IS dynamic

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The stall reaction seems pretty spot on (for someone who never really flew that sorta birds).


Yup, especially that sudden wing drop.

No mention of VR support…?

No, but when you apply for the Alpha Test there are questions about what flight gear you use with flight sims, and there was a VR mentioned, so they probably considering it.

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Holy moly!

An interesting side discussion …what shoul a flight sim provide right out of the box?

Good weather? Good AI traffic and ATC? What else? :thinking:

I’d say something to do.
Be it Airhauler like, single missions or maybe a career mode/campaign of sorts?
I always end up going back to DCS, because my imagination simply isn’t good enough to make up a situation myself…


I assume for know that we are talking civil flight sims.

For me it is:

  • somewhat believable weather (meaning: at least all major cloud types present, thermals are modeled halfway realistically, the weather can change decently fluidly, and sync with real weather is possible).
  • ATC at stock FSX level. (XP11 is almost there)
  • a few planes. Don’t have to be too complex but must have clickable cockpits. Stock XP11 or even stock FSX is OK. Believable flight model that has real life limitations modeled, so you can follow real life procedures without big deviations.
  • decent ground graphics for the whole globe. Stock XP11 graphics level is OK.
  • real life NDBs and VORs modeled, and big airports.
  • some important landmarks of big cities modeled.
  • AI traffic, stock FSX level.
  • VR support
  • moddable (scenery, planes)
  • map and flight planning tools available.

Stock FSX + VR + a bit nicer graphics would be pretty good.


FSX had it all: many different types of aircrafts (glider, trike, single engine, multi engine, turboprop, small /medium/heavy jets, choppers, sail plane, ski plane, aerobatic plane, hell even navy fighter), good training (read it/do it) - for beginner pilot up to airline pilot level, plethora of diverse and multi-path missions with badges (achievements) you could get, log book to track your flights, after flight analisys, whole world to fly in - 20000+ airports, plenty of landmarks, VFR, IFR, ATC, AI traffic (including sea traffic and road traffic), real world weather, static weather themes, dynamic weather, multiplayer (shared cockpit, playable ATC). It had so many things implemented that if the coming FS2020 will have that on top of the pretty graphics I’m sold.