I don’t want to be in danger of breaking DNA so I will not confirm nor deny the new sim not looking or feeling anything like FSX.
Turnips most definitely are not cucumbers. No sir, they are not.
I don’t want to be in danger of breaking DNA so I will not confirm nor deny the new sim not looking or feeling anything like FSX.
Turnips most definitely are not cucumbers. No sir, they are not.
So the thing about FSX was that it was killed off in 2009. Although I was one of the rightfully, furiously indignant at the time, it did turn out to be a good thing. With a “stable” engine – i.e. one that wasn’t changing every two years – we finally had a sim that we could mod without worrying that the mods would be OBE n a couple of years time. I really think that if FSX hadn’t died, that companies like ORBX would not have been as nearly successful. Even I was able to create scenery for FSX and eventually finish my simNovel concept. My previous ventures into FS2002 and Fly! were less than spectacular because by the time I started to get good, I needed to learn something else.
That said, it never lived up to what was expected with newer hardware. I found the same errors, glitches and discrepancies with high-end hardware in 2014 that I had experienced with my not-so-high-end HW in 2009. …and I never got all the sliders to the right. I know that there are technical reasons for this - mostly the advent of multi-core processors memory limits that the FSX engine just would never handle. Still, if you think about it, by 2019 I was still running FSX and aside from the aforementioned glitches, it looked a lot better than it did in 2009. You don’t see that many programs that can stand up that well to being stopped cold for a decade.
Either that or technology on a whole has slowed down considerably form the mad growth of the 90’s
But…to play Devil’s Advocate - the best thing about FSX is that it was really, really good out of the box (with regards to content, missions, tutorials, etc…)…
No, I’m talking about FS2020. The guys from Asobo have the source code for FSX and in early videos (interviews etc.) they said that they took some parts from FSX and improved on them. Like the part where in FSX each aircraft has only one “airfoil” that lift and drag is being calculated for it and in new FS2020 they increased that number to around 1000 per aircraft which for example makes stalls feels more believable (one part of the wings loses lift while other still generates it) and doens’t need to fake it in other ways.
Edit: From November 21st, 2019 – Development Update
The team is making good progress on the SDK development. While still in the early stages, the plan is to provide an initial version of the SDK to the 3rd party developer community before the end of the year. Our goal has been to involve 3rd parties early in the development process, and to give them the ability to influence our priorities and how we author the SDK. After the first wave of initial 3rd party developer visits onsite with the team, we’ve been incredibly excited by the optimism and feedback we’ve received thus far. These same tools will be provided to the community in effort to ensure the tools we use to create content, tools that undergo constant testing in our production environment, are shared with all our creators. Initially, the SDK will offer the ability to author planes, sceneries and custom missions. For those with a preference for using FSX tools, SimConnect will be supported. We will also support additional modern standards like HTML for UI and glTF for 3D models.
It’s night day different. There’s some familiarity with the old FS but that’s where it ends.
Daaammnnn. Yup, my clunker will never run it, esp. in VR.
i6800k @ 4.5mhz, 32Gb, nVidia 1080 with 8Gb VRAM, SATA SSD drive
My rig is fairly similar - amazing how all that horsepower only amounts to a mediocre sim PC those days!
And the main reason (ok, second reason) I don’t run out and upgrade is - I still don’t think anyone has written software that will fully utilize this one. At least flight simulation software; not sure the whole concurrency thing has taken hold. Ugh.
Perhaps FS2020 will be the first to design it from the ground up that way.
Interesting. I guess that can be good and bad news
The first picture is Castle Neuschwanstein which was already in FSX if I remember correctly.
The area looks… OK. The trees look a bit big and the mountains are not rocky enough, but hey, still VERY nice compared to other simulations.
Here is a picture I stole from the Internet, showing a similar perspective.
Another one is the Acropolis in Athens, Greece of course.
I found a short video with a similar perspective.
It could be more detailed of course but again, this sim is pretty nice compared to basically everything else.
The trees are missing/flat, and the rocks look a bit bland but all the important stuff is there.
For a second, I actually thought that the picture YOU attached was a screen from the sim
I am already fooled
For me that occasionally happens with DCS.
Real life pictures with just a plane and blue sky look like DCS screenshots at times.
First I was distracted by the plane and the beautiful sunset, but now I realized that Le mont Saint Michel is also on those pictures. Looking good.
Ah, good to hear.
We have some big trees here in Germany, but these are a tad too high. The castle’s tower is 65m and they seem to be two thirds of that, which - while not impossible for single trees, I have seen Firs in the Black Forest that are higher than 40m - is not realistic there.
Yes, it will. Don’t ask me how I know, but it will.
you actually should be fine with that rig
For those in the beta, is the A320 a “study” level aircraft?
Or, is it sim-lite for the airliners like it was in FSX?
Obviously don’t break an NDA to answer!