tuesday online AtG training
Looks like fun!
Yep, these combined operations are always lot of fun
But even in pair it is great time… the MiG21 is absolutely great module, worth all the money!
Btw very good server for M21 vs M2k
Since as soon Mig 21’s leave the ground they are in a state of fuel emergency were they attacking their own airfield?
Oh hush, I’ve done sorties of atleast 1 hour when you load it up with enough fuel tanks and accept a slow limp back to base!
We are pretty darn smooth pilots though…
@wheelsup_cavu - My own air defenses take notice when I takeoff in the MiG-21. There is usually a debate as to whether they should just shoot me down right off the bat, or get the bulldozer ready to plow the wreckage off the airfield…
Yesterday I landed on the road… in the middle of rage of exploding 30mm shells from angry M2k
I just forgot to turn of the afterburner
one from yesterday
Is it fun to use? I’ve mostly seen the SAB-100 being applied by AI planes.
Yeah…the SAB-100 can be carried on the outboard pylons…so you can drop them…and it gives you 5 minutes of attack time using the inboard pylons and gun…so it CAN be effective for night missions where the MiG-21 doesn’t do so well. That said, I’d love to do some night CAS with someone dropping flares with something other than the A-10C…something where you put eyeball on target and either do CCIP or strafing.
Might be cool to do a SU-25/A-10C mission with such an loadout!