Dan, it definitely seems smoother to me as well.
Eric, I haven’t unlocked hoist operations in Career mode yet. I was just playing around in Free Flight.
Dan, it definitely seems smoother to me as well.
Eric, I haven’t unlocked hoist operations in Career mode yet. I was just playing around in Free Flight.
I was shocked when I looked into the graphics settings and found everything on Ultra and the sim could do 30-45fps and make it feel smooth.
I have found one complaint.
The limited edition bag does not hold nearly enough diapers…
I‘m really waiting for Crash Laobi‘s review. That gentleman is the nicest chap to watch.
Typical youtuber that claims he knows better and how it didn’t have to be this way, etc.
Edit. Typical youtuber: says what he must say to get likes and revenue. It’s not like he actually thinks anybody is going to watch that video and go “yeah, if only Asobo had listened to this guy”.
Since I logged out of youtube and stopped paying them, I get pure vanilla yt generic video suggestions. There is a lot of crap there, that I didn’t see when their algorithms tracked my interests, that’s for sure. Most of it seems to deal in complaints of different flavours… There seems to be money to be made in that department.
That looks seriously good.
Apparently some providers, like Deutsche Telekom, choke the traffic from the Cloudfront MSFS 2024 servers to end devices. As they cause too much cost.
Easy fix is to use a VPN and try that. They can‘t identify encrypted traffic.
This sucks, but it could be the solution some people in this forum need to get MSFS to stream anything.
I guess I’m playing a completely different sim, because from what I am seeing of MSFS2024, it is pretty amazing.
Now, I’m just playing it in the same way I played the 2020 version for the most part… ie free flight.
Perhaps, but what’s weird is that when I play MSFS2024 on my Xbox it loads really fast (like in under 2 minutes) while on my PC it can take from 20 to 40+ minutes (sometimes I get bored of waiting and just kill the app). Both my PC and console are on the same network, so it seems in my case it’s not the internet provider throttling anything. Also when the game loads in eventually on PC it performs better than on console regarding streaming assets in (loading missions, loading into free flight etc).
It’s baffling isn’t it? I have written a few detailed posts on the MSFS forum about my mostly positive XBOX experiences in terms of the look and performance versus msfs2020. A thoughtful reply would claim that I had it totally wrong, then list with equal detail their soul-sucking experiences. They were correct that my observations were incompatible with theirs. There is a lot of s***-posting on that forum. This wasn’t it. It seems that the game is different for each of us. The cloud nature of the game means that MS’ servers and our ISPs have way more sway than the hardware on what we see on screen. Then of course we as players make our own decisions about what sort if experience we are willing to accept.
Have you checked if your computers clock is accurate? The clock being off can cause delay on startup.
Settings → Time & language → Date & time → Set time zone automatically ✓
Settings → Time & language → Date & time → Set time automatically ✓
This never occurred to me, but makes complete sense. Considering I have worked in IT for years (slaps head repeatedly) it should have.
My experience mirrors @PaulRix, it’s been incredibly positive and butter smooth. I have to spend more time setting up the controls, I think this is more about me than the game.
I have my time synced since the first day I got Windows 10. I checked all the workarounds I could find. Sadly nothing works for me (PC wise). I can play it on console just fine. Though when it does loads in on PC it works way better than on XSX.
Me too, yet my clock was off by two minutes before christmas. Windows automatic time sync is not the best on a stand alone installation. Be sure to double check the actual time and don‘t rely on the checkbox alone.
Plenty of users found this to be the reason for a slow start of the game.
I checked it before each launch and manually resync (it wasn’t desynced in my case, but I did it anyway to be sure), to no avail. Checked the hosts file, cleared the cache, reinstalled few times etc. After latest patch it even got worse. Before if I disconnected internet before game launch and reconnect afterwards I woul get in the game most of the time. Now if I get in 1 out 10 times I’m lucky. Really inconsistent behaviour. Whe I do get in it works flawless.
My Career update. I am having the best of times despite the bugs. I have heard of a slew of issues with the fixed wing career that makes it highly unsatisfying for all but the most committed players. I, being me, took the helicopter route, doing only enough fixed wing to get the career started. It is far better than the experiences rehashed in the fixed wing side. I am now at level 60 with an ATP and everything but firefighting unlocked. My preference is helicopter SAR when available and sling-loading when I don’t like the SARs I see or none can be found. I’ve been unable to progress past the first hoist SAR. My rescue guy just floats in the water. The most fun is ag but it is nearly impossible with the ground-effect bug. You can skip landing and refilling but where’s the fun in that? The AI-generated missions seem trained to pick a particularly challenging terrain for both SAR and sling-loading. Both are generally unrealistic. (Why am I slinging into a rotor-diameter sized hole in the forest when there is a perfectly flat field 50 yards away!?)
Landing SARs are where the joy is. Only about half are possible to complete. I’ve gotten pretty good at slewing around in the briefing screen to evaluate the search area and decode for myself if it is doable. Professional helicopter pilots earn their stripes by evaluating LZs and making the machine fit if safe. No sim in my history has allowed for this essential skill. The polygonal nature of the low-res terrain makes for undulating surfaces that are rather un Earth-like. Even MSFS 2020 fell a little short. With 2024, it feels real*. Sometimes you might circle the victim for several minutes in a cold sweat hugging a ravine looking for a spot. The overall slope may be way too steep. But somewhere nearby there might be, and usually is, and undulation or bit of slate that is level enough to land on. Conversely, what seems flat from a 500’ recon can prove unlandable when close in. Anyway, that’s half the battle. You also have to plan a way out before committing to the landing. What’s not simulated is the condition of the snow, sod, sand or rock. Surface conditions are for future sim pilots to worry about.
This is all to say that, at this moment on the last day of 2024, the sim that calls itself “2024” should probably have come out in late 2025. It’s broken. But if you play it with a jui jitsu mindset and bend around the bugs, it is good enough to teach skills none of us will ever use.
*I am a recreational helicopter pilot. I will rarely use any of the techniques mentioned here. And if I do, I am likely having a bad day. Nor do I know enough about helicopters to distinguish real from fantasy. It’s all pleasant guesswork.
Why does Rice play Texas?
See. I hate sports. And I am guessing that’s a sports reference. The reason I make that assumption is the word “Texas” is in the mix. I only ever hear that word in the context of politics or football (the freedom kind). I know you wouldn’t bring up the former so I deduce through intellectual prowess that you must be talking the later.