MSFS - Screenshots

The Arrow III is my go-to GA airctaft in this sim. I like it a lot :+1:

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I only have the Turbo Arrow and sometimes I wonder if I should have gotten the normal one as well. The Turbo actually has lower performance at low altitudes and needs more runway (because it is heavier). It is also more complex in engine management because the turbo charger is kinda low tech (it is always on so you can overboost which damages the engine).

I enjoy that though, and the thing goes 175 knots at 20,000ft so you really can fly somewhere rather quickly if you wish.

It is my goto plane for GA. My main gripe with it is that it looks kinda conventional. For looks I prefer a Skymaster or a V-tail Bonanza.

I wish all MSFS planes were made as well as that Arrow. That’s almost DCS level. So much detail and stuff to click on, and the flight model includes the real world quirks. (Such as the elevator effectiveness on the IV being lower because it is out of the slipstream. You notice the different Vr but better smoothness in level flight).

A great module.


It just struck me that I dropped $65 on the Arrow bundle, but I still haven’t pulled the trigger on the DCS Apache. It seems like my interests are changing. Probably an age thing :rofl:.

I just took the Turbo Arrow IV for an inaugural hop from Catalina to Carlsbad…definitely a different beast than the straight Arrow 3…


Well, as of this writing only one of those is actually released… :slight_smile:

And yes, The Arrow Turbo has quickly become my go-to GA plane in MSFS. As noted by @Aginor , you can enable via it’s ‘tablet’ being punished for pushing that turbo too hard for too long.On the other end of things spark plug fowling is a thing. State saving is also really nice in general.

Overall it feels very much like an Accusim level product.

Thinking of picking up the warrior as my ‘cure for the common skyhawk’.

I harbor no hate for Cessnas, but do have a soft spot for pipers. I stopped just before solo due to medical reasons, but most of my training hours are in an oooollllld school Cherokee. Think Hershey bar wing, Vernier type throttle controls and elevator trim via a hand crack on the roof! Part of the airport pattern was along a ridgeline, so me and that hand crank got to know each other real well, LOL.


wasnt really happy not to fly MSFS at all so tried some back and forth with this sw and found some compromise. it can run 80-90FPS on my rig in windowed mode close to the size of FULL HD res.

its not perfect to have 4k panel with small game window in the middle but still better than FULL HD stretched over it :smile:

ok for some occasional flight - HPG H135


Just curious why you need to run MSFS at 80-90 FPS?

only personal preference. my eyes are just happier than looking at 30 - 40 FPS :sunglasses:

Each to their own I guess ;)… I couldn’t stand to fly using only a small part of my monitor…it would annoy me no end.

I am trying to RMA :crossed_fingers: my 2in1 laptop and thinking about replacing it with gaming laptop with better specs than my desktop.

then I hope I can run in 4k with no compromises :slight_smile:


maybe I am too optimistic about the gaming laptops :thinking:

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Yeah, even the best gaming laptops usually don’t quite reach the same performance as a desktop PC.

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I bought a gaming laptop about 10 years ago as a replacement for my desktop. At the time I was on the road a lot, so it made sense at that point. But yes, you are going to get more performance and spend less if you go with a desktop PC.

thought its closer in performance, 20-30% difference is quite a lot I would say.

on my desktop 2070S I have measured close to similar results as on that 3070 laptop in 1440p.

looks like high tax for portability with laptops or similarly high tax for high res with desktops.

one good thing about the laptops is that they are sold still with 1080p displays and there the performance is acceptably good :smile:

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That is one very expensive 1080p display you’re buying then :sweat_smile:




Too soon :sleepy:

At least you got see her fly mate.


Not a particularly interesting screenshot, but I continue to be astounded at how real it looks. Unedited.