MSFS2020 multiplayer soaring

Just finished a nice little soaring session with @apollon01 and @Elby .

@apollon01 flew the Piper and towed me up, then winch launched himself from Füssen (EDGD), we flew over Castle Neuschwanstein and then east through the Alps, to Ohlstadt. We passed that field though and continued to Benediktbeuren (EDDA).

@Elby joined us there and we did a bit of flying, testing both winch and aerotow starts in multiplayer.

Sadly my sim crashed on me after two hours, just as I was about to make my last landing in Ohlstadt, and we did encounter some problems on the way (such as me inadvertendly disabling my wind which caused a rough out landing. Also @Elby seeing me as a different plane) but nevertheless it was a lot of fun!

My route in LittleNavmap, Castle Neuschwanstein circled green.

Getting towed and flying formation with the tow plane afterwards.

Castle Neuschwanstein to the left, @apollon01 on the right.
Pro tip for multiplayer soaring: Tell your wingmen about your flap settings.

@Elby joining us in the second Piper

Asking for trouble. :smiley:

@Elby in the glider

@apollon01 taking some screens flying something that actually has thrust. Makes life easier.