Mudspike AMA with Eagle Dynamics Senior Producer Matt Wagner

Now you’re getting into Lots, which makes the whole organization even worse! Like the AH-1S! :grimacing:

This is why Army Aviation can’t have nice things!



if the navy can have their Lot 20’s maybe we can have some of that as well :slight_smile:


I’m more excited about the core features than the new aircraft list. In fact, I think I’d prefer a Heatblur F4 to an ED one.

But for now, we have enough planes. We have still a lot of great third party projects in the works, and I, for one, still have my hands full learning every weapon the Bug can shoot, the F16 and the Tomcat…

I loved to hear that this year we might still get a new weather system and the new carrier

I dig that we are getting some new maps soon, but since scripted missions and campaigns are so hard to make and take so long, I think that the dynamic campaign can’t come soon enough so we can truly enjoy those. The Persian Gulf map is beautiful, I love to fly in it, but with the current gameplay, I came to realize that new maps may be fun, but seldom bring anything new in terms of expanding the mission diversity.

I am one of the newest DCS users here, and currently for the last months, the only thing I can do is self training: I’m still not good enough I can last in the multiplayer servers, and I know few aircraft good enough to tackle the user made campaigns. So if it’s getting a little boring to me, I can imagine how it feels to the veterans.

I think The time has come for them to reassess and do some housekeeping, or better yet, some home improvement before going to the dealer and bringing a new ride to the garage.

So that’s why I liked to hear all of it from them. I think that by the question list (not many questions about new aircraft modules), it became clear that that’s what the public is worried about, and from the answers I think that that’s is what they are doing. Sure, it’s going to take some time, sure it’s going to be less liquid (and the ruminations thread goes deeper into it), sure it’s not going to conform to everybody’s expectations, but all and all, I’m pleased.

It’s about time we start the hype train about improved ATC, in-game voice chat, Dynamic Campaign, weather, night lighting, Vulcan API, and all of that. The planes are great, but the planes are not going to take us to the next level.


Me too!
And not because I don’t like new planes or anything, but because I see so much room for improvement that will make DCSW better for everyone, regardless of which plane they like. :slight_smile:


Agree 100%. Weather, ATC, and dynamic campaign are the tops on my list. I have plenty of modules to explore. I also get that core improvement don’t necessarily pay the bills, so I do understand the need to keep publishing modules.

Still waiting for that Grand Caravan or CASA or something though… :wink:


I think I could say that given a strong enough core improvement, plus some lighter duty aircraft - I’d consider passing upon something like the new MSFS in many cases (although, having the whole world is still valuable) as flying a commercial jet or smaller private plane for hours wouldn’t be as fun as helping out in DCS MP with a tanker, transport or light attack aircraft.

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Air Hauler DCS confirmed!


That. Is. An. Amazing. Idea.


:astonished:What??:astonished::astonished: What did he say??!!


Somebody get the stake and fagots! (definition number 2) I’ll bring the :fire: :crazy_face:



Well, he’s technically right…
We have the Viggen.




Put me in the camp of wishing for core updates before new modules. That said, I don’t know how Eagle Dynamics continues to bring in money that way unless they start charging for DCS World itself.


At the risk of opening that can of worms - I’d wonder how a Dynamic Campaign Kick-Starter would work? It IS the most requested feature…I suspect it would gin up quite a bit of investment money. But then you have to deliver.



Since we know ED’s funding scheme is module based, we can just buy the modules - P47, Mosquito etc - and instead of thinking “buy the plane”, think “invest in the core and get free planes”.


Yeah but that money might end up funding something entirely different. It’s complicated. :man_shrugging:


Strike Fighters 3 :slight_smile:


Oooh, now that is an idea I like.

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I was kind of glad to see a little news about Modern Air Combat, it looks as though the project has grown past its original intention and is going to be something on a larger order than initially proposed, which is, in all likelihood, a good thing. I just hope feature creep and the hardcore audience does not turn it into another form of DCSW. Naturally, I’d like to know what the new focus is, but I suppose it will wait. Combat Air Patrol 2’s progress appears to be glacial in nature, but I figure that has more to do with the fact that it’s a one-man operation than it does the complexity of the project. ThirdWire is proposing a graphics update to Strike Fighters 2, but honestly, I am not the least bit excited about it. There are so many things that need to be added to that game for me to be interested in it again. It’s a very stale, same-y experience now.

The company looks pretty solid going forward. For military aviation simulations, DCS is pretty much the only game in town. I look forward to more news about MAC, that is pretty much the only title that will bring me back to combat flight simulation in any substantial way.


@wagmatt - Thank you for doing this! Appreciate all the insights regarding the Dynamic Campaign and can’t wait to see it in action.


Philstyle interprets the AMA answers, with emphasis on DCS WWII, which is his thing.