I’ve been kinda lazy with my cooking but found these amazing blended spices at the regular supermarkets in Japan that use small chunks of vegetable bouillon instead of salt, mixed with oregano, basil, sage, and parsely. Slap that on some chicken or pork, let it sit 30 minutes, then fry it up in a skillet. Tastes almost like a stereotypical rotisserie meat.
This is in Australia, so the chance of me ever getting to try this pretty much 0.
But I do enjoy watching the videos. I also wonder who could possibly eat so much meat, and how much it costs.
Also, I’ve had some pretty random results at being able to post links lately…
Mac 'n cheese, fries, enough beef to choke a T-Rex…
If I hadn’t watched, I would have said no-way - where do I go in the US to get that!.
I’m going to have to ask some of my Melbourne friends to check it out
When I watch their videos, It seems like almost everything they make is designed to choke a T. Rex
You thought the Thors Hammer in the first video was big? Imagine how many friends you would have to bring along to have any realistic chance of eating this thing…
As an Italian I see food as a bonding activity too, so I would be honored to pick a few good friends, order one of those culinary monstrosity, and go at it! I hate wasting food.
Our kitchen is the most used room in the house, especially when we have guests staying with us.
For sure. Even a 'regular Thor’s hammer is a meal for four (hungry) people.
I have a history of consuming food in high volume.
If it’s two of me- two is enough BUT I do admit that the more, the merrier.
EDIT: I can’t prove it, but thanks to (due to? because of?) me (and a colleague) an “All you can eat” japanese restaurant had to change their rules.
I do feel slightly ashamed.
I feel the right thing to do when it comes to meet other cultures is to share: in this case I bring pure homemade Italian food.
After the carbonara I simply had to make “Ragu Bolognese” and by the way, since there’s always a lot, Lasagne.
Ask me how it tastes…
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Lasagne before cooking.
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Lasagna ready
Also made pizza.
No machines, all handmade dough, and locally sourced ingredients.
Again it all went in a blur of compliments and ecstatic expressions
Yeah, sure. I had black burger once and it tasted just like any other. There’s just a bit of (hopefully edible) paint in it.
Few years back Heinz made a green tomato sauce
Tasted right but looked wayyyy wrong
Edible charcol powder.
Pizza is, truly, the ultimate form of affection through food.
If you love your kids? You want to make them pizza.
Do you want to romance your SO? You make them a pizza.
Do you want your family to know they’re appreciated? You make them pizza.
If you need to love yourself? Make yourself a pizza.
Give you loved ones pizza, it’ll never upset them. Unless they’re lactose intolerant and then everyone suffers.
I’d have offered this to people, but I used ghost pepper powder in it. It’s how I keep pizza thieves at bey.
I had to look that up, but it sounds like my kind of pizza. When I was posted to Puckapunyal Army base, Pukka Pizza did something similar that they called ‘The Godfather’
But I dated a Sri Lankan girl during my final year of High School and got used to ‘spicy’ food
For some reason I’ve at least temporarily lost all interest in pizza…
Sadly mine all are. No 'za nor lasagna for them, sadly. But there’s other ways to say “I love you” in Chinese (offering delicious food that is) such as diced and baked potatoes with a little diced onion added in just before serving.
Here I can help!
If you trust me I can easily make Lasagna without a single drop of milk that still taste like the real stuff.
Italian cook pinky swear.
I could also make pizza, but that is a little bit more complicated / less true to the thing